The Congress on Friday launched an all-out attack against Ghulam Nabi Azad after he resigned from the party, saying his “betrayal” of the party leadership reveals his true character and that his DNA has been “Modi-fied”.
Ghulam Nabi Azad quits Congress: As Azad ended his decades-old association with the party, leaders across political spectrum praised his contribution to Jammu and Kashmir, with the BJP hailing him as a towering leader .
After the veteran Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad, in a letter to Congress President Sonia Gandhi on Friday, resigned from all positions of the Congress party including the primary membership of the party, Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Narottam Mishra on Friday said that the Bharat Jodo Yatra of the party has turned into a Leave Congress Project.
Congress says content of Azad’s letter ‘not factual‘ New Delhi, Aug. 26 (PTI): Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad on Friday ended his five-decade association with the party, terming it comprehensively destroyed and lashing out at Rahul Gandhi for demolishing its entire consultative mechanism. The Congress, dealing with the fallout of a series of high profile exits, including that of Kapil Sibal and Ashwani Kumar, attempted to deflect the latest blow by alleging that Azad’s DNA had been “Modi-fied” and linking his resignation to the end of his Rajya Sabha tenure. Laying bare the many schisms in the party, Azad wrote a five-page no holds barred letter to Congress president Sonia Gandhi, describing her as a nominal figurehead and alleging that all important decisions are being taken by Rahul Gandhi or rather worse his security guards and PAs”. Azad, whose resignation from all positions in the party, including its primary membership, comes ahead of c