will ever s get. they ve got about eight opportunities for pickups, whereas the democrats are playing defense upeverywhere.re as we saw last cycle, there s no sure t thing. so given those pickups versus defense, brendan, after the gop s autopsy report did not mention trump as a reason for those 2022 losses, he s now being called the party s secret weapon. do you agree? you know, actually, i can t fault this strategy at all. look, we lost we didn t win the senate last time purely based on candidate quality. we had people like herschel in georgia, dr. oz in pennsylvania, kari lake in arizona. all veryi winnable states where we should have wonon those race and didn ta because donald trum chose the candidates there. mitch mcconnell with his teamm basically went to war trying to pick more electable candidates in thosele states, and donald trump overpowered them. steve daines clearlywe thinks h can convince donald trump redirect some of his energy towards candidates, work with him for
katie hobs didn t want to show up against kari lake in arizona. they don t have a choice. if you run for the white house you can t skip out. what they re doing is trying to stifle debate. this is why biden is delaying the announcement. the longer he delays it the harder there will be alternatives to get going and that s the strategy. it is cynical. one thing i would add on larry elder to your point injecting issues. why he was doing this and what he brings that s different he focused on an issue that s so important. family breakdown. absent father particularly in certain communities in america. such an important issues. a lot of traditional politicians have trouble talking about because they think they might be criticized. the candidates bring something different and that s really important for the whole of our political conversation. harris: i have my eye on this
candidate, and so loyalty is rewarded in this world, and i think it s very possible that we see somebody like kari lake, and frankly that s a benefit to democrats. they are both ridiculous, and i don t know any other way to put it. yeah, the gop strategist told the daily beast what trump learned is that you cannot pick pence and haley s, who are the establishment, does that make sense to you? and if, so there s this group swing a little too far to the extreme? i don t understand the political calculation that after watching candidate after candidate who wore the maga flag get rejected by the voters, including kari lake in arizona, while republicans of any stripe would think that putting them on the ticket will somehow benefit them, and that they would perform any better in 2024 than they did in 2022. it makes absolutely no sense, it shows that the republicans continue to learn the wrong lesson from failure.
the united states supreme court if we need to, but we will not allow our elections to be stolen in arizona. maria: thanks very much for being here, kari lake in arizona this morning. that ll do it for us for sunday morning futures. i m maria bartiromo, next week, an exclusive interview with jamie chi monoon jamie dimon on mornings with maria. have a great sunday, everything. the weight is gone and it s never coming back. with golo, i ve not only kept off the weight but i m happier, i m healthier, and i have a new lease on life. golo is the only thing that will let you lose weight and keep it off. who loses 138 pounds in nine months? i did! golo s a lifestyle change and you make the change and it stays off. (soft music)
constitutional order and is trying to overthrow an election and shut down the lawful processes of democracy. it is going to be very hard to get any of these entities, the fbi, the department of homeland security, to take a strong stand against him. and that is fundamentally what we are up against. but i don t think there is any kind of a whitewash going on. i think it is just a very complicated story and people should read into it and make a judgment for themselves. yeah, i would just note that i think the 2022 elections and the aftermath of it to give some credence to the notion that they were for donald trump himself. we didn t see anything like this when he was out of the picture, we had a few people kind of wine and said they lost, kari lake in arizona. but by and large the normal functioning of democracy happened in the absence of this candidate. i want to ask about your role as the new ranking member of house oversight which is gonna be chair machine it s already gonna be t