predawn attack. the target, an apartment building hundreds of miles from the front lines. and abortion rights advocates score victories in the unlikeliest of places, attempts to impose new bans fall short in a pair of red states. are they one-offs or warning signs for the republican party? we start with federal prosecutors poring over hours of new testimony from vice president mike pence. one of the few people with firsthand knowledge about former president trump s efforts to block certification of the 2020 election. pence s testimony came less than a day after a judge rejected trump s last ditch effort to block it. i want to bring in nbc s ryan reilly who s been covering all of the developments for us. also nbc s vaughn hillyard with the former president and his supporters in manchester, new hampshire, brendan buck who served as an aide to republican house speakers paul ryan and john boehner, and an msnbc political analyst, and carol lamb is a federal former rather for
will ever s get. they ve got about eight opportunities for pickups, whereas the democrats are playing defense as we saw last cycle, there s no sure t thing. so given those pickups versus defense, brendan, after the gop s autopsy report did not mention trump as a reason for those 2022 losses, he s now being called the party s secret weapon. do you agree? you know, actually, i can t fault this strategy at all. look, we lost we didn t win the senate last time purely based on candidate quality. we had people like herschel in georgia, dr. oz in pennsylvania, kari lake in arizona. all veryi winnable states where we should have wonon those race and didn ta because donald trum chose the candidates there. mitch mcconnell with his teamm basically went to war trying to pick more electable candidates in thosele states, and donald trump overpowered them. steve daines clearlywe thinks h can convince donald trump redirect some of his energy towards candidates, work with him for
she is off on another planet and a smart person, not an evil person. why is liz cheney a betting the destruction of america s civil liberties and our sacred norms are being destroyedtr on the basis of this investigation? why she participating in this? sean davis has been watching this closely. he s co-founder and ceo of the federalist. we re happy to have him himco tonight . thanks so much for what a sad moment this is and what a what a strange momentwh. t. what do you make of this ? yeah, i kind of feel like we are watching something akin to a dissolution of the republic. i mean, we have people who spent the last four years with their russia folks trying to overthrow the president. they concocted another hoax to make sure a supreme court justice they didn t like didn ta get confirmed. then youon had the whole covid
0 find new answers. find new roads. chevrolet. i hated sticking my fingers, then i got the dexcom g6. i just glance at my phone, and there s my glucose number. wow. my a1c has dropped over 2 points to 7.2. that s a huge victory. wow. my agency s dropped over two point seven point two. that s a huge victory. ve good evening and welcome t. tucker carlson . tell you what tells you a lot about the priorities of our ruling class that the rest of us are getting yetthre another lecture about january six tonight from our moral inferiors, no less an outbreak of mob violence unforgettably minor outbreak by recent standards that took place more than a year and a half ago. but m they ve never stoppede talking about it. in the meantime, in the eighteen months since january 6th, gas prices have doubled. drug lords have reachedst their highest point ever. the u.s. economy is now careening toward a devastatingta recession at best and scariest and least noted ofl, all, this country has never in its hi
party, just because you have a committee of congress doing this they don t have unlimited power, we have separation of power. we have other rules in the constitution against general warrants, the king way back in man monarchy days, they had parliament. our founders decided that not what in a wanted, listen to liz cheney and others, they want donald trump indicted for dereliction of duty? what is in charge of the capitol building, the one person they will not subpoena. the one person who text messages e-mails and documents are protected and immune from this investigation. nancy pelosi. why didn ta why