At Tuesday's meeting of the Kandiyohi County Board, the commissioners will act on the official hiring and contract for new administrator Kelsey Baker. Also on the agenda are updates from Woodland Centers, Central Minnesota Jobs and Training and from the county's children and adult mental health services.
Vaccinations, washing hands and staying home when sick are the best ways to fight seasonal viruses that spread when more people are indoors. With people following pandemic precautions the past two winters, flu cases have been lower than normal. That is expected to change this year, as fewer precautions are in place.
Kandiyohi County Health and Human Services have seen a jump in the number of applications for the economic assistance programs such as the Minnesota Family Investment Program, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and Medical Assistance. Part of the jump could be the ease of applying with a smartphone-friendly application. The increase of the income guidelines for SNAP could also be playing a part.