Mahesh Gaikwad, Kalyan city's Shiv Sena chief, reported receiving a death threat from a social media user. Earlier this year, BJP MLA Ganpat Gaikwad had shot him inside a police station. The Kolsewadi police have assured Mahesh that action will be taken, and Ganpat is currently in Taloja jail.
Preparing to take oath for a third straight term as the head of a coalition government, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday chaired a meeting of the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance s members who unanimously elected him as its leader.
NDA MPs will meet on June 7 to formally elect Modi as
Within 24 hours of the Lok Sabha election results being declared there was deep turmoil in Maharashtra politics on Wednesday. Visibly upset over the poor performance of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) deputy chief minister Devendra Fadnavis announced his resignation from government.
New Delhi: It s official. Narendra Modi has been unanimously chosen as the leader of the NDA and is all set to form the government for the third consecutive time. The swearing-in ceremony is expected.