Chief Justice of India NV Ramana on Saturday said that ambiguities in legislations add to existing legal issues, and if the legislature passes a law, with clarity of thought, foresight and people s welfare in mind, the scope for litigation gets minimized, while revealing that India has only 20 judges per 10 lakh population, which is alarming low.
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Chief Justice of India NV Ramana on Saturday said that "ambiguities in legislations" add to existing legal issues, and if the legislature passes a law, with "clarity of thought, foresight and people s welfare in mind", the scope for litigation gets minimized, while revealing that India has "only 20 judges per 10 lakh population, which is alarming low". India News | Legislature Should Pass Bill with Clarity of Thought, Foresight, People s Welfare in Mind: CJI.
Chief Justice of India NV Ramana on Saturday said that the biggest issue affecting all institutions nowadays, including the judiciary, is ensuring sustained faith in the eyes of the public.
To be invited to deliver the maiden memorial lecture in honor of a distinguished Nigerian, Nationalist, legal luminary, consummate administrator, leader of the Bar and quintessential public officer