are. there isn t anybody in libya, they ought to leave them alone about benghazi. it s sillry. when we decided to go to war in iraq, i was in montana. i was one of the democrats saying this is crazy. this is outrageous. this doesn t make any sense. when i was governor in montana, i went to those funerals. i love the way you talk. i agree with you on a lot of this stuff. in fact, most of it. let me ask you about running for president. would anything stop you at this point that you can see, stop you from running for the democratic nomination. what would stop you? i ve run it this is going to sound quaint, but i ve run it by my family, and i can t anybody in my family, my kids, my wife, any of my brothers and sisters who think it s a good idea. because listen, politics are really tough on families. and everywhere they go, and
clinton had the gall to come here and perpetuate things we know as common knowledge are simply not true. julian, you used to be the director of the oversight committee. how political is this hearing? because first they said this was the president s greatest failing, but now they seem to have their eyes on 2016 and the potential candidacy of one hillary clinton. well, it s very, very transparent, and unfortunately, this committee did not used to be as political a committee as it is today. it s very clear the republicans believe hillary clinton is is unstoppable. they re seeking to scandalize her. if past is prologue, this committee has been ineffective when it came to the fast and furious investigation, solyndra investigation. they didn t have the goods. they don t have the goods in this case. i don t think they ll be effective. very quickly. there are three issues. the question is to, the most important thing is to remember the operation in benghazi was a cia operation and the secu
semiautomatic ak-47. angela rye, professor bob shrum. thank you so much. thank you. thank you, martin. coming up, the gop and fox news with benghazi on the brain. stay with us. it s not the gun. it is the individual. a gun has power for good or evil. depending on whose hands that gun is in. it is merely a reflection of what is in those hands. lindsey! i just discovered these new triscuit are baked with brown rice and sweet potato! triscuit has a new snack? no way. way. and the worst part is they re delicious. mmm, you re right. maybe we should give other new things a chance. no way. way. [ male announcer ] we ve taken 100% whole grain brown rice and wheat, delicious sweet potato, and savory red bean. and woven them into something unexpected. the new brown rice triscuit line; with sweet potato and red bean varieties.
engage them, pickering and others have shown this were made by special forces, not by political officials. third, the question about the talking points after the attack. the question as to whether or not this was a street demonstration or terrorist attack. look, general petraeus at the time according to many, the new york times, much of the reporting all pointed to a street demonstration. it wasn t until later that they showed that it was, in fact, likely a terrorist attack. although we still don t have the facts on that. even if that is true, it doesn t pro prove anything. i m still trying to we still we all know al qaeda exists even though it s been decimated. even if it turns out it was a terrorist attack and the initial intelligence was wrong, what is the import of that at the end of the day? fox news produced a story about mrs. clinton. it raises the claim she tried to prevent the state department s own team from responding to the benghazi attacks. but the state depart
they have a lot of questions to ask her, and they re not satisfied. they ve gotten the full story to date. it s not clear just how much she s cooperating at this point. so i think that that s very much an open question and she s the next one to be, for us all to be watching in this case. we will continue to rely on you for reporting. michael isikoff, as ever, thank you, mike. thank you. next, benghazi, yes. meals on wheels. head start programs. cancer screenings. no, we don t care about those. just benghazi. that s ahead. first, jackie deangelis. stocks trading at a narrow range today. the dow losing five points. s&p gaining three. the nasdaq losing 14. that s it from krncnbc. first in business worldwide. [ male announcer ] susan writes children s books.