Struggling to actually pay their bills. Legit fear of unemployment being a boom. Yes, two words you never hear together, a boom and unemployment. This all happening with the midterm elections just six weeks away. You can answer my question at home, but let me tell you how the democrats have answered this question in washington. They decide if you cannot beat them, they will take them. If you cannot create them, steal them. No joke. This week the white house and the democrats actually with a straight face past the Police Funding bill as if we do not remember who the party was that defamed and defunded the police. Not only do we need to defund, but we need to dismantle and start a new. Talking about the reduction of our nypd budget and defunding a 6 billiondollar nypd budget. Divested. I am for defunding the police. They decided to defend the police but they did not stop there for they decide to take up immigration. But still cannot help themselves in playing the blame game. Fix this is
Matters. We send out to obtain those records. There was a lot of stonewalling. We obtained many records, but it was incomplete. We went on to the supreme court. We continued to look for those records on the Cheney Energy task force. It is a great example of how we fight for records, and we try to do our part to make them public. Host we welcome our listeners, listening coast to coast. We are also caps on xm every morning. We have chris fail for judicial pharrell fors judicial watch. This thing with hillary is a made up thing. Was goingknew hillary to run and be the front for the democrats. When she was going to that thing, in congress, they posted a video of her saying, what does it matter. It was a video from a fox news station. I knew then and unfair they were going to hang hillary, no matter what. They were going to take into her past. They were going to dig, dig, dig and make her talk, talk, talk and make her sound 30. Sound dirty. The outsidetries on are looking at this country an
Class nosel noCC 01607 q jon hederJon Heder 7, Nevada 4, Donald Trump 3, Sara 2, Ha Ha 2, Jon 2, Rossthoendel 2, Todd 2, Janeway 2, Marco Rubio 2, Chris Delia 2, Jon Delia 2, L. T. Sandwiches 1, Glock 1, Sasso 1, Mankind 1, Island 1, Dan St. Germain 1, Iran 1, Heineken Light 1 Network Comedy Central Duration 00 30 59 Scanned in San Francisco, CA, USA Language English Source Comcast Cable Tuner Channel v745 Video Codec mpeg2video Audio Cocec ac3 Pixel width 1920 Pixel height 1080 Audio Visual sound, color
Class nosel noCC 01607 q jon hederJon Heder 7, Nevada 4, Donald Trump 3, Janeway 2, Ha Ha 2, Jon 2, Linda 2, Mitt Romney 2, Marco Rubio 2, Chris Delia 2, Lendingtree 2, Jon Delia 2, Glock 1, Sasso 1, L. T. Sandwiches 1, Mankind 1, Stella 1, Google 1, Dan St. Germain 1, Bengans 1 Network Comedy Central Duration 00 31 00 Scanned in San Francisco, CA, USA Language English Source Comcast Cable Tuner Channel v745 Video Codec mpeg2video Audio Cocec ac3 Pixel width 1920 Pixel height 1080 Audio Visual sound, color
President trumps refusal to accept the results of the election as his legal team fights on. Does the president have a case . Well ask former independent counsel ken starr and harvard or law professor lawrence tribe. Plus, president obama settles scores in his new book. Well ask our sunday panel about the former president s thoughts on the rise of donald trump. And our power player of the week, remembering game show legend alex trebek and the fun we had on jeopardy. Do you dumb it down for celeb fews . Celebrities . All right now on Fox News Sunday. Chris and hello again from fox news in washington. The coronavirus is coming back with a vengeance. With every state in the nation now reporting increases, president elect biden has urged President Trump to do more to confront the crisis, calling the federal response woefully lacking. On friday mr. Trump broke his recent silence on the a pandemic to promote progress on a demonstrations continued into the night as far right and far left group