[cheering and applause] greg yes i know, i know. I know you are so lucky. It is friday so you know what that means, lets welcome tonights guest, they call him the perfect anchor because he can drag down any show. Fox and friends first host, todd he has talked to more men on The Street than a u. N. Host of kennedy saves the world podcast, kennedy and he is beloved by his Fox Family but only when they need help moving, New York Times bestselling author, comedian and former pro wrestler, tyrus before we get to some news stories, lets do this. Announcer gregs leftovers greg this is where i read the jokes we didnt use this weekend is always i didnt read them so if they suck we will tie Joe Mackey to a chair and have Tim Walz give him a lap dance. [laughter] i dont know who will love it more, actually. A spokesperson for Kamala Harris Husband is denying he slapped an exgirlfriend back in 2012. Saying that any suggestion that he ever had a woman is false. In dougs defence,s ex may have asked
Yes, I knoW. I knoW. So luck I knoW. You are so lucky. Eans Its frIday, so you knoW What that means. Lets Welcome tonIghts guest. They call HIes M the perfecte anchor because he can drag doWn any shoW blockn any shs. FrIends fIrst host todd pIra, do hes talked to more men on The Street than a Uno ComedIan LIneup on laWyer. She educates. That match Is In HIgh Heels and host the kennedy saves the World podcast. Kennede Worlpodcast,y and hes s fox famIly, but only When they need help movIng. NeW york tImes best sellIng author, comedIang,rk tImesellIn. All rIght. Re W all rIght. Before We get to some neW orIes, Letse Ne do thIs. Gregs leftovers. Mom. Its leftovers Where I read g the jokeres We dIdnt use thIsI Week. It as alWays, Its my fIrst tIme readIng them. Week they. TIe Well tIe Joe Mackey to a chaIr and have TIm Walt gIve hIm a lap dance. I dont knoW Who WIll love It. More hacksaW, a spokesperson for Doug Emhoff Is DenyIngdenyI A report that he slapped an exgIrlfrIend back In 2012,t
[cheering and applause] greg: yes! i know, i know. I know you are so lucky. It is friday so you know what that means, let s welcome tonight s guest, they call him the perfect anchor because he can drag down any show. Fox and friends first host, todd! he has talked to more men on the street than a u. N. Host of kennedy saves the world podcast, kennedy! and he is beloved by his fox family but only when they need help moving, new york times bestselling author, comedian and former pro wrestler, tyrus! before we get to some news stories, let s do this. Announcer: greg s leftovers! greg: this is where i read the jokes we didn t use this weekend is always i didn t read them so if they suck we will tie joe mackey to a chair and have tim walz give him a lap dance. [laughter] i don t know who will love it more, actually. A spokesperson for kamala harris husband is denying he slapped an exgirlfriend back in 2012. Saying that any suggestion that he ever had a woman is false. In doug s defence, s
YEEss, yEs. All Right. Ill takE it for now. It, happy mOnday, EvEryOnE. So last friday, JoE BidEn turnEd ovEr a CabinEt MEEting to his wifE, frida jill. If thats not bad Enough, hE thEn put huntEr in chargE of thE MEdicin NE and. All Right. VicE prEsidEnt will skip this yEars Al Smith Charity dinnEr. A fundraisEr that traditiOnally fEaturEs PrEsidEnt Ial candidatEs roasting Each othEr. YEp. ShE pullEd out at thE last minutE. Ifs PrEsidEnt Ial Only husband ha thE samE with thE nanny. D ha tErriblE. JanEt jacksOn, rEmEmbEr hEr was criticizEd for saying that Kamala Harris is black, but shEa would know hEr brothEr michaEl, was a whitE woman and a bEautiful OnE at that rEst in pEacE. Hillary ClintOn ArguEdl OnE that Kamala Harris doEsnt nEEd to clarify hEr Policy PositiOns to hEr variousguEd Tha Criticsr Po and instEad rEcommEnd simply killing thEmlins. ThE mEnEndEz BrothErs SEriEs On NEtflix is facing backlash ovEr thE allEgatiOns of Sibling Ox i i dOnt sEE thE big dEal, says OnE woman. I
Stay. YeS. All right. YeS. YeS. Let not yOur be troubled. Troubl ItS fridaedy So you know meanS what that meanS. LetS welcome tonightS gueSt. SheS wItneSSe, S welcomS more n a caShier at a waffle houSe. HoSt Of outtake thiS morning. Charlie arnott got three thingS wrong. If It SeemS like heS judging you, thatS hiS jOf Itb. ThatS comedian vidS auguSt. Her huSband tried to convince bd her that talking iS bad for the baby. New york timeS beSt Selling Authorfor the baby. EStSell foxr kat timpf. And you need Sir Edmund See he haS dandruff. New york timeS beSt Selling author, comedian and formeff. R N World Champion tyron. All right, all right. All right. Ge right. All right. Before we get to Some newS StorieS, letS d So thiS. GregS leftoverS. Yeah, ItS leftoverS where i read jokeS. I we did newS thiS week, and aS alwayS, ItS Mt ISy firSt time reading them, So if they will by Joe Mackey wil, a Page M one Of Our jewiSh friendS in tel aviShv. Terrible Comedian ChriS Rock juSt endorSed Kamala H