0 you don t like it, don t watch. dan i go to you first. i actually find this idea to be very compelling. do you now? i do. i think in some households it is a war. what is coming into your house is free and cannot beacon trolled. you simply can t turn it off. therefore if you are in there and there are all of these wonderful images coming in, it is a pearl harbor for your sip sip synapsis. i disagree. it is more dangerous to live with somebody who is backed up. they have a, how do you say, a full cargo. you know how tense your roommate has to be when you keep busting him for rying to watch porn? that has to be a problem. paperer towels! steve is way too tense. at the university. that s true. they only used the male students. i spent a lot of time peeping in the female dorm and it was not like that. and i don t know how expensive it is to reenact a war for women versus shower heads, but i m pretty sure and it looked like world war ii and there weren t women on th