Airpods and hope he doesnt shove us into an oncoming train. [ laughter ] even with all this tension, trump has not lost his sense of humor. For instance, this morning he tweeted, we will win. [ laughter ] which is funny. We have a reality show host who will not accept reality. How pleased with himself is Vladimir Putin right now . That 2 million rubles or whatever he put into interfering in the election in 2016 . What a payoff. Might be the greatest investment of all time. Its like he hit the destroy america lotto. Republicans are handling the president with kid gloves, because those are the only gloves that fit him. [ laughter ] i have to say, im less disgusted with our toddlerinchief throwing his oatmeal than i am at the Republican Congress going along with this. The baby is right that oatmeal should go on the wall, hes within his rights to throw it on the wall. We need to let the process of oatmealflinging play out. [ laughter ] only a handful of prominent republicans have acknowled
Yes, of course. Jimmy do you have an emergency kit at home . Yes, i do. Were going to get under the table and backpack by the door with water. Jimmy do you have the backpack itself . Yes. Jimmy whats in it . Water, cookies and tequila. Jimmy okay. [cheers and applause] i do. Jimmy that would be fine if were you the cookie monster, but you need to have bandages. You need iodine, you need all of that stuff. In fact, i went online, and ive been looking at emergencytype products. This is how i calm myself down. I go and buy things. But there are a lot of items you can get for when the worstcase scenario happens. These are real. This can be purchased right now online, this is the gluten free emergency food kit. Because the last thing you want to be is bloated when youre drinking toilet water to be alive. That is at my patriot supply. This is the storage container, also known as a garbage can. This is a flashlight that screws onto a water bottle for 12, or you can just get a lantern for 12.
After the super bowl. The day after the super bowl should be a national holiday. They should swap president s day out for super bowl monday. The fact we have to work the morning after, being required as americans to watch a game drunk no less is really its downright unpatriotic. And im calling on President Trump to do something about it right now. [ cheers and applause ] thats one he would do, right . It was a sad night for new England Patriots fans. And an even sadder night for fans of this is us last night. Eagles won their first super bowl ever, toppling tom brady and the dynasty known as the new England Patriots 4133. Tom brady, they said he was so distraught after the game he chugged a quart of almond milk and ate half of a grape. [ applause ] the most valuable player was the quarterback for the eagles, nick foles. And the fans, after more than 50 years of failure, eagles fans flooded the streets of philadelphia to celebrate their teams historic victory the oldfashioned way. [ che