As the leaves begin to fall, leaf piles will begin to accumulate and the municipalities around Marshall County are gearing up for the leaf pick-up season. Plymouth Street Superintendent Jim Marquardt told members of the Board of Public Works and Safety that pick-up is underway. For the next 5 weeks, weather permitting, the employees of
The Board of Directors of the Marshall County Solid Waste Management District had a presentation of the Yard Waste Feasibility Study during their meeting on Monday. Jamie Zawila, Vice-President of GT Environmental from Columbus, OH was hired to study the need and possible location of an organic waste recycling facility in Marshall County. She said
Plymouth Street Superintendent Jim Marquardt discussed adding a new streetlight at the east end of Gibson Street during the Board of Public Works and Safety meeting on Monday. Marquardt said he’s been in the area early in the morning, and as the daylight is getting shorter, he finds the area east of the Junior High
The Water Street Townhomes project gained support from the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety on Monday evening. City Attorney Sean Surrisi began the project discussion by explaining the funding. This project received READI Grant funds in 2022 in the amount of $520,000. The Plymouth Redevelopment Commission also pledged the public matching funds of
Monday evening during the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety meeting, members were updated by a variety of departments. City Utility Superintendent Donnie Davidson was given permission to hire two new maintenance personnel. He told the board he has three maintenance personnel, one resigned on August 3rd and he had three years of