The Town of Culver is looking for a few good citizens interested in volunteering to help the community. Culver Clerk Karen Heim has released a list of board and commission seat openings. She said, “This is a great way to serve the community as well as be involved in decisions that can craft the future
The Culver Town Council will meet on Tuesday evening at 6:30 in the Town Hall. The meeting is open to the public and also streamed on the town’s website at The agenda lists the third reading of an ordinance regulating the use of golf carts within the corporate limits of Culver. The ordinance increases
As the leaves begin to fall, leaf piles will begin to accumulate and the municipalities around Marshall County are gearing up for the leaf pick-up season. Plymouth Street Superintendent Jim Marquardt told members of the Board of Public Works and Safety that pick-up is underway. For the next 5 weeks, weather permitting, the employees of