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Egyptian Ambassador Abdullah Al-Ashaal: Ethiopia Will Use Renaissance Dam to Annihilate Egypt and Sudan
#8777 | 00:58
Source: Al-Jazeera Network (Qatar)
Ambassador Abdullah Al-Ashaal, former assistant to the Egyptian Foreign Minister said that Egypt and Sudan must understand that Ethiopia will use the Renaissance Dam to annihilate these countries. He made these comments in an interview that aired on Al-Jazeera Network (Qatar) on April 8, 2021. Al-Ashaal explained that the dam is a fait accompli, and the “annihilation phase” has begun. He said that Ethiopia is dragging Egypt and Sudan through futile negotiations, “just like Israel did to the Palestinians.”
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Clip #8778 | April 10, 2021
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Iranian Nuclear Chief Ali-Akbar Salehi, the Day Before Natanz Nuclear Facility Blast: We Have Activated a Full IR-6 Centrifuge Chain; We Have Enrichment Capacity of 16,500 SWU – More Than before the JCPOA
#8778 | 04:42
Source: Channel 1 (Iran)
Ali-Akbar Salehi, Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran said that Iran has activated a full chain of 164 IR-6 centrifuges in the Natanz nuclear facility. Salehi’s remarks were made in an interview that aired on channel 1 (Iran) on April 10, 2021, one day before the Natanz facility suffered a major explosion. He said that this chain was originally planned to be activated only in seven or eight years. Salehi described nuclear progress in the Fordow facility, and said that Iran now has an enrichment capacity of 16,500 SWU, while it only had a capacity of 13,000 SWU before the JCPOA was signed in 2013. He said that it has been announced that the hall, in which the centrifuges are assembled at the Natanz facility has
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The following are excerpts from Ayman Abd Al-Nour s article: Let us imagine Syria not as a war-torn country but as a train careening on ruined tracks [directly] into an inferno. According to the UN, the officially-recognized driver of that train is still Bashar Al-Assad. Each of the cars wobbling behind him is laden with its own large complement of problems… Syria cannot be viewed through a single prism, and its situation cannot be reduced [to the phase] one big mess , for each of the cars [of the Syrian train] requires a particular approach to bring it back on track. Therefore, the required solution is a collection of very different solutions, for the situation in Syria is deeply [layered]. It does not only involve a proxy war between external forces with competing agendas, but also a war between local and regional players vying for control and profits. To this we can add the worsening economic crisis and the Covid-19 pandemic… [Therefore,] Syria s problems cannot
On April 11, 2021, the Islamic State (ISIS) official A'maq News Agency reported that for the second time in less than a month its operatives in its West Africa Province raided the town of Damask in Borno State in northeast Nigeria