forward. you made that clear. there is a growing discrepancy between the to democrats on capitol hill about whether they have the votes. but let me start with robert gibbs left off. deeming it passed. the house members who want this bill wouldn t vote up or down on it, but they would deem the senate bill passed and they could avoid actually having to stay they voted yes on the senate bill. is this irregular? the democrats say it s not. megyn, everybody knows, occasionally they used a deeming procedural vote on debt ceiling increases. but i don t think anybody thinks there has ever been an instance where major social policy has been passed out of the house of representatives without anybody voting for it. that is what this deeming is all about. the truth is that nancy pelosi doesn t have the votes in the house to pass the senate bill. so they are just going to bring
the house where any legislation has to go through a series of committees. most notably the rules committee. nancy pelosi controls it. there are democrats on the committee other than her. but she is the boss and she told the rules committee to explore the possibility of using the language to retroactively get the senate bill passed in the house without votes montgomery white house press secretary robert gibbs so the result would be the megyn: so the house would deem it passed and it would go up to barack obama for signature and it would be law? reporter: there would be a vote on the reconciliation package of fixes. these are corrections the president wanted made to the senate bill. and in those fixes and corrections there would be a line that says, by the way, the senate bill is deemed passed in the house, and now we are onto the reconciliation fixes package. that process would mean there
they re going to know if someone votes for the bill or doesn t vote for the bill. even if we use this deemed passed republicans will still use that vote ends if the democrats. democrats will still say in the house they voted for the provisions in the house bill. no one, everyone will be able to see right through this. so i think it is a lot of conversation . megyn: how does that save the democrats? not like republicans running against democrats oh they didn t actually vote on it. they will say you voted for it even if they do it through the new measure. what is point of doing it in the first place? truth is, this is an ends justify the means argument. if the public supported this legislation it would have been the law by halloween which was originally the plan. the holdup has been over public opinion. particularly public opinion in the districts represented by moderate democrats. their constituant hate this legislation. that s the problem. they re forcing it through anyway look, t
for them accepts and their family they will be disallowed. even if you are a permanent resident you will be required to purchase the healthcare but you won t be able to benefit from other subsidies. we think people who are here legally should be able to participate in the program fully and fulfill all the requirement.. if you are here undocumented in this country and you want to use your own money so you don t have to access emergency care so you are not a burden on the rest of the taxpayers you should be able to do that and purchase that healthcare insurance. megyn: i know you have been talking with the white house about your concerns. you have been talking with the white house. has president obama or any of the top democratic leaders in the house suggested to you that there is room for negotiation on this? you know, i m going to meet with some folks from the white house tomorrow. i look forward to that meeting. a couple of cabinet members have called me, i have spoken to
the election results that occurred on the eve of an election year were all negative on this measure. all of this is combined to create a situation where i have never seen a bill go forward. yet here we are with a vote imminent and no one can say for sure it won t pass. this is truly remarkable. megyn: you truly don t know at this point whether this is going to pass at this point? do you accept any conventional wisdom on this? if there is any conventional which document is at end of the day on a presidential priority of this magnitude, with a speaker of the house as effective as nancy pelosi has proved in the past at rallying up the handful of votes she needs, it s hard to say it won t pass. on the other hand, if she had votes, they would be voting on it now or they would have voted on it before. so it may be that they there is obviously an attempt being made at the white house and capitol hill to project a