President trump today tweeted fdrs quote about pearl harbor Remembrance Day incorrectly. The correct quote is, a date which will live in infamy. As opposed to what trump wrote. [ laughter and applause ] he got the heart of it, just not according to the new york post, host matt lauer plans to disappear, play golf and stay in the hamptons after being fired. You hear that, donald . If you let us fire you for Sexual Harassment, your life will be exactly the same. [ cheers and applause ] exactly the same. Less meetings. Google has begun offering a new search feature that shows videos of celebrities answering commonly asked questions about themselves. For example, if you type in can donald trump do a sean connery impression, it gives you this. God bless, the united states. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] seth united states. Sean connery sean connery, and bless the united states. White house press secretary, Sarah Huckabee sanders responded to speculation about President Trump slurring h