UpdatedFri, May 7, 2021 at 12:07 pm MT
The investigation continues into the shooting at Rigby Middle School, an incident sending three people to the hospital. (Shutterstock / Victor Moussa)
RIGBY, ID A sixth-grade middle school student is in custody after a shooting occured at the Rigby Middle School on Thursday.
The female student has not been indentified due to her age and is from Idaho Falls.
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Police were called to the school at 9:15 a.m. after reports of gunfire. Multiple police agencies were dispactched to the school and found three persons shot, two students and an adult custodian. The female suspect had been disarmed by a teacher prior to law enforcement arrival.
First Published: 9:03 AM PDT, May 7, 2021
The girl pulled a handgun from her backpack and fired multiple rounds inside and outside Rigby Middle School in the city of Rigby, Jefferson County Sheriff Steve Anderson said.
A sixth-grade girl opened fire at her Idaho middle school Thursday and shot two students and a custodian before a teacher was finally able to disarm her, according to authorities.
Police were called to the Rigby Middle School in the small city of Rigby around 9:15 a.m. after the sound of gunshots rang across campus. The shooter was described as a sixth-grade student at the school who lives in Idaho Falls.
Bomb squad in Idaho Falls neighborhood in connection to school shooting
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Kalama Hines, EastIdahoNews.com
IDAHO FALLS – The Idaho Falls Regional Bomb Squad is investigating an Idaho Falls home in connection to the Thursday morning shooting at Rigby Middle School.
Idaho Falls Police Department spokeswoman Jessica Clements confirmed the investigation is occurring in the vicinity of the Shamrock Park Subdivision. Clements could not comment on exactly what investigators are looking for in the area.
This afternoon, Jefferson County Sheriff Steve Anderson said at a news conference that the suspected shooter, a sixth-grader at Rigby Middle School, lives in Idaho Falls.
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A sign reads “We love our Students! Rigby Strong” outside a business as people drive into Rigby. The community has rallied together after a shooting at Rigby Middle School. | Eric Grossarth, EastIdahoNews.com
RIGBY The morning after a shooting at Rigby Middle School, eastern Idaho is rallying around the phrase “Rigby Strong,” and reaching out to help a grieving community.
From signs to flowers to the thousands of eastern Idahoans, and many businesses that have expressed a desire to help out.
Pick Me Up, a popular soda shack franchise, has extended its free drink promotion through Friday at their Rigby location in a show of support. Additionally, the soda shack will be accepting donations through cash or check until Saturday. The company says they will match the donations up to $10,000 and give the funds directly to the three shooting victims.