they are like oases in the middle of. ..of the beauty of the mountains, or. but a restaurant is a place of comfort. i mean, the word has many origins, but one of them will be from restore or restoration . you went to the restaurant to restore yourself. mm. sometimes physically, emotionally, spiritually. in the old days, the monks. and i believe, in a certain way, restaurants are that, still today. so when they come to my restaurant, i want to.i want to make sure people come to a place they feel like a home. but also you feel like you have a responsibility not only just to have food that is good and people will enjoy, but the ones that want to engage with you, it s a way to learn more about something. i always say that i don t open restaurants, i tell stories. every one of my restaurants, in a way, is a story. mm hm. and when they eat. ..i want them to have the best possible time, but sometimes, if they only are used to fill their physical needs, its fine. but we are always
in the middle of. ..of the beauty of the mountains, or. but a restaurant is a place of comfort. i mean, the word has many origins, but one of them will be from restore or restoration . you went to the restaurant to restore yourself. mm. sometimes physically, emotionally, spiritually. in the old days, the monks. and i believe, in a certain way, restaurants are that, still today. so when they come to my restaurant, i want to.i want to make sure people come to a place they feel like a home. but also you feel like you have a responsibility not only just to have food that is good and people will enjoy, but the ones that want to engage with you, it s a way to learn more about something. i always say that i don t open restaurants, i tell stories. every one of my restaurants, in a way, is a story. mm hm. and when they eat. ..i want them to have the best possible time, but sometimes, if they only are used to fill their physical needs, it s fine. but we are always going to be there
Looking to get out of the kitchen this Thanksgiving? Procrastinators, you’re in luck: several solid places still have reservations available (or did when this was published). If I were sticking around town this year, here’s where I’d consider booking for a turkey dinner, both traditional and not. Annabelle 2132 Florida Ave., NW The elegant Dupont Still need turkey day plans? These restaurants still have reservations.