The IRC has announced the winners of an inaugural challenge to develop innovative solutions to improve the safety of latrines in refugee and IDP camps.
As international leaders gather for the COP28 climate summit, the IRC has released a new report detailing a promising new innovation in building climate resilience in countries uniquely affected by both conflict and climate change. The IRC is testing new approaches in seed security, aimed at enhancing farmer access to high-quality and climate-adapted seeds across Syria, Pakistan, South Sudan and Niger.
"[I]ntimate partner violence can be reduced by those with moral authority in their communities." Patriarchal norms are often to blame for violence committed by men against women in intimate relationships.
CGD’s Amanda Glassman and Julia Kaufman introduce this blog from prominent international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) in the development space. The piece builds on the findings and recommendations of a recent CGD working group.
Intimate partner violence -; or abuse and aggression in a romantic relationship -; is a pervasive global issue. In Uganda, a primarily Christian country in East Africa, 56% of women who've been married report being sexually violated by a current partner.