Intimate partner violence -; or abuse and aggression in a romantic relationship -; is a pervasive global issue. In Uganda, a primarily Christian country in East Africa, 56% of women who've been married report being sexually violated by a current partner.
Ewen Macleod, Former Director, Division of Resilience and Solutions, UNHCR
Chinedu Obi, Young Fellow in Forced Displacement, FCDO-UNHCR-WB forced displacement research program
Marine Casalis, Senior Research and Partnerships Manager, ETH Zürich, Immigration Policy Lab
Haneen Ismail Sayed, World Bank Lead Operations Officer, Social Protection and Jobs Global Practice
The program is launching a new seminar series,
Building the Evidence on Forced Displacement: From Research to Policy Making, to discuss findings from the latest research on forced displacement. The first event will take place Wednesday, May 19, 2021 and can be joined at this link. It will feature a presentation of the paper,