guy who owns the bong is trying to sell it. is nothing sacred? then jay-wow, trying to prevent a boyfriend from selling nude photos, they re from before her second breast augmentation and the photos aren t flattering. she claims she was unconscious when the pictures were taken. stay classy, san diego. i think it s time for a lesson in loyalty. a lesson in the real meaning of friendship, courtesy of jay-wow and snooki. did you really? yeah. i m going to have sex with you later. well said, ladies. well said. that s really the point i m trying to make. not that a real friend has to offer sex for slim-jims but you get slim-jims and red bull. if you sell embarrassing photos and send mean e-mails you re not a friend and you never were. you re just a loser who belongs on the ridiculist.
do have you to go all mean girls? it s like a burn book or four-way call attack. oh, my gosh, she s so annoying. i know. just get rid of her. okay. what is it? she says everyone hates you because you re such a slut. she said that? you didn t lear it from me. totally. she said that. then there s the case of miley cyrus. she was caught on camera smoking from a bong. we d show you the video but we re too cheap to buy it again so we made an artist rendering of it. that s sort of the artist rentedering of it. the thing is the video never would have gotten out if one of the fellow partiers in the usa didn t sell it. i don t know if i want to live in a world where you can t kickback with friends and take monster bong toeks free from the fear it will end up online. and now that tmz is saying the guy who owns the bong is trying to sell it. is nothing sacred? then jay-wow, trying to prevent
a boyfriend from selling nude photos, they re from before her second breast augmentation and the photos aren t flattering. she claims she was unconscious when the pictures were taken. stay classy, san diego. i think it s time for a lesson in loyalty. a lesson in the real meaning of friendship, courtesy of jay-wow and snooki. did you really? yeah. i m going to have sex with you later. well said, ladies. well said. that s really the point i m trying to make. not that a real friend has to offer sex for slim-jims but you get slim-jims and red bull. if you sell embarrassing photos and send mean e-mails you re not a friend and you never were. you re just a loser who belongs on the ridiculist. that s our report tonight. thanks for watching. ey can t fill every room every day. like this one. and this one.
feminist cred. but take the money and don t apologize. i will only voting for the ugly women, is what she is saying. as a former beauty contestant myself, this country is going to hell and a hand basket if she is choosing miss america. bill, are you competing this year? no, the hormones do not kick in until a month after and surgery a year later. you know what the funny thing is, who cares about talent and intelligence. it is a meat market c. that s all it is. sorry, angela, didn t mean to break it to. break it to you. jersey shore s jay-wow has a book coming out. it is sure tested secrets and staying fresh to death and kicking the competition to the curb. paul, you always wanted to land a mint guy.
the president commented about snooki today, the reality star from jersey shore. the ladies of the view asked the president about snooki. ask. should snooki run as mayor of wasilla? i have to admit, i don t know who snooki is. what? i m sorry. he doesn t know who snooki is? oh, really? well, check out what the president said at the white house correspondents association dinner back in may. this next provision is called the jersey shore up. it reads the following individuals shall be excluded from the indoor tanning tax within this bill. snooki, jay wow, the situation and house minority leader john b boehner. well, in case you haven t watched the jersey shore, tom,