but now there s news of this damning tape that s put more focus on a different jurisdiction on that federal probe in washington where trump was caught on tape admitting key parts of a crime, including stealing documents after leaving office. the tape is from after he was in the white house, 2021, and that s bad for him based on what he appears to admit, because prosecutors are already using it while gathering their grand jury testimony, and it s showing jurors how trump acknowledges and admits himself on the tape that he had classified materials. this is a total breakthrough in the evidence in this case. real talk some people might say, all right, ari we already know trump took the documents down to mar-a-lago and the feds seized them and took them back. didn t we know all that? yes, but in court to win a case like this, prosecutors must prove, one, the documents were classified. two, trump willfully took or directed action to take the documents. and three, he intended to kee
you know so many things. we talked about your foreign reporting. you were last here on the january 6th topic and the new yorkers covers so many things. why is that your view to do this right now? the music that you grow up on, to pick random ages from 18 to 25, even 30, embeds in you in a way nothing else does. let s take a record off the shelf. respect, natural woman, what sure. before the day i met you life was so unkind you re the key to my peace of mind you make me feel you make me feel you make me feel like a natural woman
a direct shot through the asteroid belt. but i can t say, because i can t see what jack smith sees and no one else can. he s done it like a pro. all the reporting is coming from echoes or shad dose on the wall. i don t know what s inside that investigation. understood and, appreciate the precision there. previously you said you didn t think indicting trump was a good idea because of what it would put the country through. that was notable because as everyone remembers you clashed with him on matter of substance, rule of law. do you view that differently now? or do you feel the same way? no, i see it differently now. this conduct takes place entirely post presidency. it is clear if the facts are as i understand them, it is clear violation of really important laws, and it is something that can t be let go. if the facts are there, while
touch this. and until someone deliberate hammer reference? deliberate or accidental? what was that? was that a deliberate mc hammer reference or was it accidental? deliberate mc hammer reference because we re getting close to the weekend. i ll do my second hammer reference visually. those who know know. joyce, to sum it up, when we see your colleagues and others start talking about definite game over i showed that careful listeners will note i did not affirm or endorse that. msnbc and nbc news do not have reporting to that effect. i want to distinguish when we have reports versus analysts. we have experienced people basically saying they see this as a definite. i m curious if you want to weigh in on that or are we getting ahead of ourselves?
post was what you were remembered by for so many. looking at the documents case, do you think it s the strongest reported now, and what do you think of this reported tape evidence? i do think it s the strongest case against him. it s the greatest legal jeopardy that he faces. i think it s more likely than not he ll be charged. i think if this reporting is accurate, as it seems to be, that raises the percentage chance of him being indicted. i wouldn t go quite so far as others, because i have been on the inside of these investigations, and we can t see what jack smith sees, but it s this is the strongest case against trump i ve seen so far. based on the available evidence, do you think it would be valid to indict him and a good idea? it looks like the evidence is there. donald trump normally his superpower is surrounding himself with an asteroid of confusion and contradiction and sometimes inculpatory statements, sometimes exculpatory, but this seems like