On the occasion of International Yoga Day, Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan on Wednesday said yoga practive will be mandatory in all schools of the state."I have decided that yoga practice will be mandatory in all .
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin, and Megastar Rajinikanth were among the celebrities who attended the birthday celebrations of the elder brother of West Bengal Governor L. Ganeshan.The birthday .
Mamata made party of CBI’s petition seeking transfer of Narada case
Mamata Banerjee
Star Digital Report
Star Digital Report
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has been made a party in a petition by Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) before the Calcutta High Court, seeking transfer of the Narada sting operation case filed on charge of graft by two senior TMC ministers and a key leader of the party.
Besides Mamata, the probe agency has also made West Bengal Law Minister Moloy Ghatak and Trinamool Congress lawmaker-lawyer Kalyan Banerjee a party in its petition before the High Court s two-member bench headed by acting Chief Justice Rajesh Bindal and Justice Arijit Banerjee, reports our New Delhi correspondent.
Former TMC veteran on Wednesday submitted his resignation as an MLA from the West Bengal Assembly
Hours after Adhikari resigned, the rebel TMC leader held a closed-door meeting with disgruntled party leaders
Suvendu also wrote a letter to Governor Jagdip Dhankar, citing fear that he and his associate followers can be implicated in criminal cases out of political motivation and vendetta
Kolkata: Suvendu Adhikari s resignation from Trinamool Congress took a new turn on Friday (December 18) as West Bengal Legislative Assembly Speaker Biman Banerjee said that for TMC heavyweight s resignation has not been accepted.
WB Assembly Speaker Biman Banerjee told ANI, I have examined the letter and found that the dates have not been specified. Some details not mentioned as per the rules of Constituency.