Sukesh Chandrashekhar has been accused of running an extortion racket worth Rs 200 crore when he was lodged in Rohini jail. Actresses Nikki Tamboli and Sophia Singh met him inside the premises. The authorities are now probing the same.
Bollywood actress Jacqueline Fernandez has been granted interim bail. Additional Sessions Judge Shailender Malik sought a response from the ED on the bail plea.
Jacqueline Fernandez on Monday was questioned by the Delhi Police s Economic Offences Wing for over seven hours in connection with an extortion case linked to alleged conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar,
Another actress Nora Fatehi was also questioned by the ED here in connection with the same case for the second time on Thursday. ED is looking into various people who are directly or indirectly connected to this case. 🎥 Jacqueline Fernandez Appears Before ED in Extortion Case Involving Conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar.
The court had taken cognisance of the charge sheet soon after it was filed and had asked the agency to supply the charge sheet copy to all the accused. The next date in the charge sheet matter is December 13. The ED officials were tight-lipped over the matter. 🎥 Jacqueline Fernandez to Face Many Questions in Connection With a Prevention of Money Laundering Case.