Hello, this is Ryan Brooks, an English professor from Canyon, Texas. I’m on your airwaves today to discuss Annie Proulx’s 2002 novel That Old Ace in the Hole, for HPPR’s Radio Readers Book club.
I’m Pat Tyrer from Canyon, Texas for the High-Plains-Public-Radio-Readers Book Club’s 2022 Fall Read. Our September book, That Old Ace in the Hole by Annie Proulx is a lovely exploration of the climate, the land, and the people of the Texas Panhandle.
This is Mike Strong, in Hays, for HPPR. The book is “That Old Ace in the Hole” by Annie Proulx.Bob Dollar is Annie Proulx’s protagonist, and his journeys and questions are used by Proulx to give us a review of current issues, most of which are more urgent today, two decades after her book came out.