Hello, this is Ryan Brooks, an English professor from Canyon, Texas. I’m on your airwaves today to discuss Annie Proulx’s 2002 novel That Old Ace in the Hole, for HPPR’s Radio Readers Book club.
This is Mike Strong, in Hays, for HPPR. The book is “That Old Ace in the Hole” by Annie Proulx.Bob Dollar, our protagonist, is on a mission - to the Texas panhandle - for Global Pork Rind which is headquartered in Tokyo and Chicago. Far from the panhandle.
This is Linda Allen in Amarillo, Tx for High Plains Radio Readers Fall Read Book Bytes.Annie Proulx’s 2002 novel “That Old Ace in the Hole” is set within a specific place and span of time but the theme running through the story is timeless and universal.
This is Mike Strong, in Hays, for HPPR. The book is “That Old Ace in the Hole” by Annie Proulx.I have been wanting an excuse to bring up what I call “The Expanse.” My first time driving to Hays, Kansas, that was the label which found itself on my lips.
Hello, Radio Readers. I’m Jane Holwerda from Dodge City, Kansas. Up next for our Fall 2022 Read, “Rural Life: Revisited,” is Annie Proulx’s That Old Ace in the Hole, with shifts in perspective from that of the novel we’ve just been talking about, Sherwood Anderson’s Winesburg, Ohio.