a whole page on sbs website about their plans to , quote, monitor and reduce our own carbon emissions. thi owns because you want a t that cares about carbon emissions. and of course, there s about em endless posturing because it si all free about diversity, abo equityut and inclusion. marissa fan, the managing director at s.v., wrote thisthio on linkedin just three weeks before the bank collapsed, d. feeling inspired and energized after hosting an extraordinary group of pioneering and dynamic ring andamic wwomen in silicon s female founder and vc tahoe s retreat with adjectives for free. they use a bunch of them and then attach pictures of the ski trip showing the groupuh of these pioneer of them. a dyc female beggars having a great time because, of course, ourseh they re having a great timeey becaus re e few things are more empowering to oppressed female bankers. e empoweri than skiing in tah. and they kept this up to the very end as their bank be began to slip beneath
and it just said that all my shows were were canceled and it was a time where women, never men were put intowomen, n men, w something calledng their refrigerator. if they felt like you had a lot of power, they would just putcoo you there to cool you off for a while. unaddressed in the video u is whether she s actually n tha capable banker. we hope so. we have no idea.e guys we know the guys at s.v. b , we re not capable bankers. didn t seem to spend a lot of time banking or paying closen bs attention because they had e thvideos to make about dynami pioneering, glass ceiling pioneeringshattering women.so, wh sen io when interest rates at historic lows, cfib bought bi more than twenty billion in long term treasury bonds. fai and to be fair, they were b encouraged by the government to do this.vern all banks werement to do the pra when interest rates went up, as they were alway ths going to , because they can t stay at zerot forever. did you know that? well, when that happened, those
a disaster for a ton of banks,s but a true disaster for sub and then a disaster for a lot ofvid individuals who had their money there and companies that had borrowed money from sv, yop. so you can expect a lot ofand bankruptcies in the coming weeks due to thiths. e and then the countless downstream effects from those bankruptciesm bad. , all of th. so this is a disaster not just for the tech industry, people you could easily make fun of, but for everyone, for all ofbut us .restin g thinbut the interesting thing is the biden administration doesn t seemistration to care t they re not that interested because no, whethers whet you re making money or losing money or doing something efficientlr you re y or doing it sloppily doesn t really matter. as long as you re making videote about pioneering female bankers and as long as they get into, oh, that s the real concern., so just today, biden s bidens top economic adviser, ceciliapor rouse, addressed reporters in the white house in the brie
ba banks in this country, wellsnkco fargo, bank of americauntry,, jp morgan, morgan stanley, collectively lost more tha nne fifty billion in market value in one day. that s quite a hiat s a ht. on the other hand , those bankss still exist. and you can t see that for bank.n valley as of this morning, silicon valley bank or svp, has gone under completely.es the that makes the second biggest bank failure in the history ofef this country and the significant sub finance, nearly half of all venture backed health care and technology companies in the unite healthcai states .ant cash it also apparently held significant cash reserves, just one of the biggestrves for cryptocurrencies, and it s now gone. federal regulators have renamed it and taken it over.ov and that means an awfu l lotf m more people lost an awful lot of money and most of that money was not insured. nhat theyno matter what they t, the fdic only guarantees bank fdicdeposits up to two hundred and fifty thousand. an
. so er that s one of the things that i and legislative leaders have been working on . we s believe that will call intn a special session because of t this decision. some it camee out today and there may be some language that we want to address during that special session. and also i launched a website today called life that s.v. that guvs which puts resources out there and information like this to those individuals that are in these situations and connectsininne them to medil help. it connects them to adoptiveow services to make sureha that people really do have the information that they need at their fingertips. but laura , this yearar in legislative session a i brought a bill that dealt with chemical abortions to make surehe that the people were goig to be protected from this dangerous situation of getting drugs through the mail and being unsupervised for . at medical procedure > will there be potential criminal penalties for doctors and or women who obtain an abortion in that mann