we ve covered protests not just here in the court but all over the country and that s usually the case. i can alsoi tell you that despite the fact that we ve had at points over a thousand people here , it has been a relatively cool, calm evening, people chanting,p holding up signs even some people praying. earlier you saw many pro-life demonstrators here . but for the most part here tonight it s been pro abortion of protesters here tonight. er and i can always tell this whenever i come out here to the court, there s a magnitude to being oute here when there s a big haze and you certainly feel that here tonight . but again,ight so far peaceful,o far spirited and we ll keep an eye on things. laura , back to you. and all right, kevin ,g thank you . now we reco going to continue to monitor events acrossou the country tonight , but for his take on the media reaction to today s supreme court ruling and more, we re going to go to fox news contributor raymond arroyo tonight .
streets today to today s ruling i think kind of tells the story. yeah, and not surprised at all, laura , given what we knowa about the left,lw they will f always look for a pretext to try to tear the country down, er whether it s the george floyd murder or this roe versus wade decision. so, you know, again, no surprise and i thinkpa we can anticipate more of this because they are literally at war with all of l our institutions and so they will look for any chancee to tear themk down. dr. carson, just your reaction 50 years ofrr toiling away, being ridiculed, c written off, socialed conservatives were kind of laughed at by hollywood and ridiculed by all the elites tote have this day come that a lot of people never thought would. how impactful is this ?w how important is this ? how significant? on it s a monumental very happy to see it come realized and ofs course that this is really just the beginning.
courageous and we must remember we cannot be thee land of the free if we re not the home of the brave. and i a want to you know, u as monica expressed thanks to president trump who was very diligent in the way that thesewe people were appointed and we got people who were courageous and would stand firm for also mincipleses of life. and alsoit mitch mcconnell fr keeping merrick garlandd on the court. my god, that would have beenthat a disaster. can tce just sit back so i caned criticize mcconnell on a lot off things. he was fantastic on the court stuff really, really important. monica and dr. ben carson, thank you . now let s head back to the court where our own kevin corke is standing by . kevin , what can you tell laura ? hry interesting night to be out here at the court. very different vibe than what we saw earlier today. everythinghing is nice and calmn and i can report tonight it still remains calm, although the crowd is a little bit different and that happens once the sun goes d
and as you previewed in the t angle or samhe alito might nothi have had the opportunity to write this dobbs opinion were it not for the fact that a certain commentator named laura ingraham tooknd l on supre court nominee harriet miers challenged her record and president bush back in 2005 remember this the burden really is on him to show us whya harriet miers is a judicial conservative given what she said in nineteen ninety three about abortion, given what she said about the role of the courts, how could she square those comments with what she said in nineteen eighty nine and that questionnaire where she said i m for a pro-life amendmentst w, the texas constitution and as you know a president bush rescinded her nomination and nominated sam alito, which wouldn t haveor happened had it not been for your activism but judicial falak can t believe matter h and that was your gripeer with her. yeah well it was a tabula rasaht . we io didn t know what she thout and we didn t know what judge
what what is that ? you know, it was it was a pretty wild experience being on capitol hill today, laura .ng i was walking past camera crews where some of my colleagues were doing interviews sayingen comments like that sayingts ridiculous statements like we heard mr. barak commenting about the need for abortion so that families could abort a potentially special needsch child which is incredibly beyond the pale and discussedil beyond belief. i heard other comments like this is restricting health care to women. that s not true . we all know that abortion is not health care.he and i look back on the story from my own life. you know how my mom had had a stroke at the age of twenty seven and was told then she would never be able to have kids again and for sure she would not survive nor would i . and so years later she finds herself in a very, you know, precarious situation and she chose she chooses life. she m makes that brave decision