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ba banks in this country, wellsnkco fargo, bank of americauntry,, jp morgan, morgan stanley, collectively lost more tha nne fifty billion in market value in one day. >> that's quite a hiat's a ht. on the other hand , those bankss still exist. and you can't see that for bank.n valley as of this morning, silicon valley bank or svp, has gone under the that makes the second biggest bank failure in the history ofef this country and the significant sub finance, nearly half of all venture backed health care and technology companies in the unite healthcai states .ant cash >> it also apparently held significant cash reserves, just one of the biggestrves for cryptocurrencies, and it's now gone. >> federal regulators have renamed it and taken it over.ov and that means an awfu l lotf m more people lost an awful lot of money and most of that money was not insured. nhat theyno matter what they t, the fdic only guarantees bank fdicdeposits up to two hundred and fifty thousand. and according to some reports, nearlyn 90% of all deposits see t sve be exceeded. that and it's unclear whether those people ever see their money again. in fact, whe in fact. and customers showed up at vbs branch in manhattan todaye to get their deposits back . managers called the police manah >> so what we have here is a nineteen twenty nine style bank run and that's not a good sign for anyone. the question is whether the people who run svp saw it coming. >> the ceo, a man called greg becker, apparently sold more than two million dollars in banhey saw itk stock over the two weeks. >> according to the site.ks unusual whales, several otheroyf high level employees of svp, including chief marketingmarkete officer michelle draper, chief operations officer phil cox,er, significant general counsel michael zucker svl sold significant amounts of diock in sbb this year. >> do those employees, their bank was in trouble? we don't know. and once again, where were the regulators? this was prevent this once again, we don't knowsupposed to and the business press supposed to be telling ordinary people what's happening with busin. apparently, nobody noticeds with anything. >> i then fact, as with the faui ex crypto game, you may recall self-described financial experts, the media were busy promoting silicon valley banksia as a great investment thatreat would last forever. >> the formerly great, but now quite embarrassing forbes the magazine, in fact, named svp to its list of america's best banks, not once, but five years in a row. >> and of course, inevitably, you saw this coming here is professional b.s. or this dumb person,artist/dum jim cramf cnbc, telling his viewerss to buy silicon valley bank,s ofg even if it was i un the process of going . >> this is last month. sbb financials don't. this company is a merchant bank with a deposit base. the wall street have been has bestapling concerned about, as you see on silicon valley bank recently bought one of our favorite research firms,d bofa. come less depe this it's become less dependent upon private equity venturnden e capital offerings. wait a second. the 's dried up this year. they could come back long term private equity, venture capital . they're going away being a banker to these immense pools of capital has always beenapitas a very good business as these nearly 40% rally this year0% ray is barely a drop in the bucket. >> there's been this great ifou that guy ever endorses anything canary islands, change your name. you're doing, moved to thee -- canary islands, changed your name because disney is coming. >> but just like after all the geniuses told you to buy sbb, even when it was on the brink of total collapse . >> what explains that? surely something does. we don'tb. reall y know at s point. >> hopefully we will someday. what w e can say tonight is that s.v. be like the scammer's at sc amfdx had quite the public relations department. >> we're not some greedy we sol finance outfit that exists solely to generate cash for overpaid sleazeballs. you run it.s. no, that's not us . we may be a bank.e. we've got the soul of an ngo. we care. >> we're saving the world. and to prove it, there's a whole page on sbs website about their plans to , quote, monitor and reduce our own carbon emissions. >> thi owns because you want a t that cares about carbon emissions. >> and of course, there's about em endless posturing because it'si all free about diversity, abo equityut and inclusion. marissa fan, the managing director at s.v., wrote thisthio on linkedin just three weeks before the bank collapsed, d. feeling inspired and energized after hosting an extraordinary group of pioneering and dynamic ring andamic wwomen in silicon s female founder and vc tahoe's retreat with adjectives for free. >> they use a bunch of them and then attach pictures of the ski trip showing the groupuh of these pioneer of them. a dyc female beggars having a great time because, of course, ourseh they're having a great timeey becaus're e few things are more empowering to oppressed female bankers. >>e empoweri than skiing in tah. >> and they kept this up to the very end as their bank be began to slip beneath the waves. sbb posted this on its social media feeds, quote, as part of women's history,fa month, we'reg celebrating founders of women women-led companies like wealth's. beatrice acevedo, a company that svp described lovingly as , quote, focused on closing the lettings wealth gap. >> it's the problemwealth g with lettings. there's a wealth gap. and e was a video, too. >> of course there n so now thaowt cfib has blown up lo and lost billions of other people's money in the process, we thought we would show people be the video because, oh, we can't enjoy. enjo my name is dan rather and i amoe the ceo and co-founder of simola. i was born in tijuana, mexico. i' i am a very proud border girlw p who had the privilege to grow up with the best of both worlds.h the best of both worlds. i went i went to school in san diego. i went to ucsd. my i have a lot of a lot of scars from my days going across the border. i remember i got this memo and it just said that all my shows were were canceled and it was a time where women, never men were put intowomen, n men, w something calledng their refrigerator. if they felt like you had a lot of power, they would just putcoo you there to cool you off for a while. >> unaddressed in the video u is whether she's actually n tha capable banker. >> we hope so. we have no idea.e guys we know the guys at s.v. b , we're not capable bankers. didn't seem to spend a lot of time banking or paying closen bs attention because they had e thvideos to make about dynami pioneering, glass ceiling pioneeringshattering, >>wh sen io when interest rates at historic lows, cfib bought bi more than twenty billion in long term treasury bonds. fai and to be fair, they were b encouraged by the government to do this.vern all banks werement to do the pra when interest rates went up, as they were alway ths going to , because they can't stay at zerot forever. did you know that? well, when that happened, those bonds lost their value. >> and that, of course, was a disaster for a ton of banks,s but a true disaster for sub and then a disaster for a lot ofvid individuals who had their money there and companies that had borrowed money from sv, yop. so you can expect a lot ofand bankruptcies in the coming weeks due to thiths. e >> and then the countless downstream effects from those bankruptciesm bad. , all of th. so this is a disaster not just for the tech industry, people you could easily make fun of, but for everyone, for all ofbut us .restin g thinbut the interesting thing is the biden administration doesn't seemistration to care t they're not that interested because no, whethers whet you're making money or losing money or doing something efficientlr you're y or doing it sloppily doesn't really matter. as long as you're making videote about pioneering female bankers and as long as they get into, oh, that's the real concern., >> so just today, biden's bidens top economic adviser, ceciliapor rouse, addressed reporters in the white house in the briefingd just happened. she assu room about what had just that happened. and she assured everybody that the bank run we're watching is an isolated incident. no, it's not a big deal , just this one bank. >> it's not connected else at all. . and th. >>e and the fact that this bank failed, just like the fact that fctc failed, has nothing to do d with the fact that the peoplee t who run it spent a ton ofn of their time doing completelye do irrelevant crap that had to do irrelevant that had to dos and with politics and changing american culture. >> you reassured by that? >> well, you should know that a cecilia rouse has been thinkingh a lot about this when sheise wo princeton, a university in new worked at princeton, which is a university in new jersey, shereh had her research agendaion. on diversity, equity and inclusion. the title is worth quoting , diversity in the diversity in the economics profession. a new attack on an old problem because the color of your economist is essential. their competence not so much.esh just so you know, by the way, these are the consequences of that attitude. >>ica. see south africa, wh they don't have electricity tonight. s >> coincidentally or not, that is the very same topic. diversity and economics that our director of our national economicna council, lael brainard, is also fixated when he was at the fed in 2021, on another genius . fuen brandon was at the fed in 2020 one , she wasn't too concerned about future banks fe collapses due to the insane and reckless fed polic y she was overseeing. no. why worry about that? because there' why worry about ths climate chae and that's what she was really worried about. that'st she wae is part of our prudential and financial stability responsibilities. we are developing scenario analysis analysis to model the possible financiao mol risks associated s with climate change and assess the resilience of individuallie financial institutions in th financial institutions in the financial system to those risks. >> just to pausesystem to thosea ,anyone who writes that way wa is a. if youmoran. so if you find someone in a position of authority and economics who cannot write a declarative sentence, econrepared for your banks to fail. arat >> and wive see should be honest esg and equity are only part of the problem here. >> stupidity is a huge part of the problem. problem.d for that matter are just two of several major the players in the financial industry that have gone under in recent months. r in recent months. you noticing any of this? there was the bank silverglatetk more than 11 billion in assets. there was a crypto broker voyageur, a billion in assets. the crypto fund three ac 10 billion in assets block fauci and a number of others. on friday, wells fargoted. customers reported they didn't get their paychecks as expected. the bank says that was justs thm a computer glitch. we don't really know, but we'rpe paying attention. what is very clear is that wewer are witnessing somethingin serious happening in , in othere sector sectors of our economy. we don't know where any of thish e is going. >> we're certainly praying fora the best. we don't want to see hysteria. but ifbut if you're a treasury secretary of the united states , you would be very concerned. >> you'dbe be paying really cloe attention because that's your job. but janet yellen is nott jane paying close attention. >> she's not worried about close attention. because it's in this country. it she's worried instead about funding the pensions of ukrainian government workers. she flew to kyiv the other dayno to tell us that.ll us and as always, janet yellen is highly focused on her core duties as treasury secretary. >> that would be equity,ties climate change, equityabortion . >> the biden harrisen/harri administration has made racial equity a centerpiece of our economic of our agenda, i roe v. wade and access to reproductivn accee health cao including abortion, helped lead to increased labor force participation. >> president biden and i feel the same way to believe that climate changet climat is an ab existential threat that absolutely must be addressed. fo >> the message i bring you from president biden is simple. america will stand with ukraine for as long as it takes. okay, >> okay, so she's very upset about ukraine and we don't have enough abortions and equitequiy equity, abortion, ukraine. okay, got it. okay, g got it. got it. but childrenildren h hour is ov. be it's time for the adults because we have actualproblems w problems, but even call them systemic problems with our you economy. >> and so when you have those, you want smart, wise peoplend with foresight and self-control and ability to focus on things of actual consequence, not in the fashionable that occupies most of our time here on cable news , but in the long termstuff that stuff that will ensurensures your country remains strong and prosperous. >> the when you are gone, whichr most of these people won'te, be long because they're very, very old. >> where are which those most o? where are the adults? >> here you have the second sec biggest bank failureon in american history, the biggest since 2008, the second largest failur largee in our nation's hu . >> and they're yammeringt on about racial equity. y, real really? yes, they are, because nobody in washington at this pointacknw even acknowledges economics is real unless it caledg in be e somehow to climate change or c racism. here's congresswoman cory bush of st. louis. >> my republican colleagues have unironically invited for profit think tank and all and the titans whose expertise is in maxo rising profits, especially at the expense of our black, our brown and our indigenous neighbors. >> health, safetyigenou neighbors' health, safety, and well being. and well-being. >> last week i joined ranking member raskin and al inedl ofl my democratic oversight colleagues in calling on oversight. republicany ersight colls to det nationalism and denounce white supremacy. nationalism anin all its forms.e >> white supremacy, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.ah. yeah, great.t's fine. that's fine. ha have peace and prosperity. you candn handle some dumb peope at the helm and it's kind of amusing. they're fun to they're fun to laugh at. but if things start going laughf south, the dumb people thing hae to leave and they should be replaced by the smart wise people who have some idea of how to fix things. ved. >> but those people have not yet arrived. joe biden just introduced a seven trillion dollar budget that's mg. thdin it's money, right, that should address the core economic concerns that every person can feel. most people don't understand it . everybody can feel it.derstand , so the seven trillion dollar budget mentions climate change. one hundred and 48 times it mentions equity never defined sixty three times environ until justice twenty five times and crosand crossdressing, now b as transgenderism eight times, feel bette r. woo the adults back . noth, bue t it will add twenty trillion dollars to theln national debt over ten years. and that means more inflation and more mor interest rate cuts and more bank failures. this could be very, very, very serious. >> we hope it's not. s >> we hope it ends today. an isolated story, but very much could be .n't care but our leaders don't care. . g th and in fact, they seem to be doing everything they canssurin to accelerate it. and that's not reassuring. stephanie pambo is an economist. >> she found macro mavens. thano >> she's the ceo.mi she joins us . stephanie , thanks so much for coming on .ur coolest, so can you just give usnt of wh your coolest, most detached assessment of whatat're seei wee seeing? >> this seems like a big deal . is it? well, i mean, i can't believe >>at you're not allayed by listening to treasury secretary yellen. i mean, clearly, she's gotve yoo the situation in hand . i also am just stunned, tucker, i' thatd that you don't believe th diversity, equity and inclusion e roare the root of a sound financial system. i mean, come on have y, wherou u been for the last year? it's okay to be quiet and look,t let's get some real economists here who are just like repeating atlantic articles. re >> this is insane and is absolutely insane. and the layers of insanity i can't even believe the videosu you showed about the people atsu sbb. you know, focused on the women ski vacations and that it's just nonsense. and you're right. what we're and you're right, what we're facing right now is really serious. i mean, we are on the brink of a 2008 style financial crisis. and i'm not trying to be hyperbolic. in fact, you and i discussed i this at length in our long form interview, severalr months agoe and at the time, the fed hadn't even raised rates nearly as high as they have today.s sai and i was saying, look, yout don't raise rates in record fashion on an economy toning record leverage atcord maximum speculation and expect th no consequence. i mean, goingthis t was clearlg to happen. and now we're seeing the weak links in the chain breake spec the areas where speculation wass most rampant and most egregiousu are clearls y coming down. i and they're doing so as they seem to do in all the three letter acronyms, just like they did in 2008. you know, we're back to the three letter acronyms and they'll be a lot more ofu those. and frankly, i thinkknow this is the unintended consequence of the fed'suence of the monetay layered with really bad fiscale, policy on top of it. but essentially they've been encouraging people to take reckless risks for years.isks f because you had no alternative. you could just because you had no0% alternative, you could get zero percent sitting in a table or having your money in the bank, or you could run out and youthat's what they can speculate. and that's what they've done. anand that's all cominghard. back to bite them and we've got to majorat us. consequences coming at us . and i think it's going the lever to devolve very rapidly because of all the leverage that's been builbuilt up here.t up here. >> it's exactly right. you if you treated your children way fed ha like the fed, treated wall street , your kids wouldre. all be in rehab. you know what they've done hey've done is bad. reciate you and no doubt, stephanie , wetuc appreciate your wisdom on this. thank you. thank you, tucker. tucker: if yo >> pleasure.o know so if you want to what's actually happening? >> ignore the noise trends.y. transgender equity fund. >> look at the things that valu actually matter. for example, the unit what's a value inwn thc the united states ? what do we ownvalu that calle actually has value? >> at the top of that list would be something called the strategic petroleumn reserve. and the bush administration's depleted it faster thaadministn other administration in history. he said a lot of i tht to china.ey sent and asa lot of they've been doi, they've been attacking the american energy industry, killing the keystone xl pipeline, for example, banning illing o drilling on federal land. so yesterday, an actua. l ey expert called alex stein testified that we should well, actually keep our strategic petroleum reserve and increase shoudomestic oil production.ur and in response to that pretty sensible suggestion, bush did what she did. did? >> she called hi m a racist, a philosopher who has previously espoused white supremacist viewcalled him as. e this is the witnesssupremacy the republicans invited to discuss issues of energviy security. he came here to promote fossil fuels, which we know are disproportionately harming and killing black and brown people. >>s which we know is will my republican colleagues condemn and y and work with us to ensure this committee engages in advancing good and reducing harm rather than perpetuate it? >> that is it. i have fought my entire life for freedom around the world, including in africa, including asia, including in india.india. >> and i want everyone around the world to have the same opportunities that i do ine oppt the united states . and so i make no apologyunit. and the idea that this is associated with skin color is despicable and racist. >> skin color has nothing to do with ideas.r is despicable and racist. well, exactly. >> would you be able to respond as cogently as eppstein? i couldn't. n? >> he's a philosopher energy expert who wrote fossil futurero ,and we're happy to have himn ao join us .r alex , thanks so much ford ve respng on in for your . my measured and very smart thsponse to corey bush. the whole thine whg made me woro though, because her lack ofsnes juseriousness was just so obvious. i mean, she doesn't i don'twhat think understand even what you're sayin g. i mean, you know, i really spent a lot of time preparingf e for this hearing, looking atpreo every detail of the spr, oil security, thinking of every if i'm wro counter argument possible to see if i might be wrong about somethin whg. thd then what they do is what they do. they go to kinko's and printto out this poster of kees an somen in cid in college that they misinterpret because and they tedom is superiorn i sf and i think that's racist. >> so this is really childish and really embarrassing. is nd >>en also really dangerous. >> i mean, you said it in the clip that we played. d at hw >> you've been aroundother the world. you've looked at how other countries have collapsedcountrin >> if you have people making energy policy, who are thatlikew hafrivolous and political, that partisan like what happens? >> look at >> well, i mean, look at europe, right? i mean, europe, their responseth to the shale revolution, the greatest energy achievement achieve was to ban e fracking. saw so they saw it and they said , let's ban it and look at them. they have this huge dependance on russia. we have a global energy crisis therwe h e are poor nationsn't get who can't get electricity, can't produce electricity because europe is buyingope is. the natural gas. i mean, this should be a wake ae up call. and instead, these guys are using the exact same playbook. >> it's it's really distressing. >> and i appreciate, again, i appreciate again your coolness under pressure. >> i your coolness under pressure there. >> and i did, by the wayal,l. tucker, i did offer them all i gave this to you. py and i know you accepted it. i offered them all a signed copy of fossil guesmany democrats took s how mk me up on it? >> unfortunately, right around zero in that range. tried >> unfortunate.o hand i tried to hand it specifically to representative stansberry, tw who just told several lies about me after i refuted this,ee . d she just walked away yeah, i don't think they read long things. sure. appreciate you comingthank on tonight. >> thank you.yo thanks, tucker. we continu e to be very concerned about commercial airlines because they're tucker: wpriorities and politir safety. and we have more evidence of ave mo that eviof that currencycentral bank digital currency, one of the greatms toi threats to our freedom. no one seems to evenis c be whee this is coming. >> so it's kind ofvernor kri governor christie noem is aware and just took direct actionit fa to stop it from happening, at least in her state. she joins us now. >> being a public servant, it's taught me one of many things to expect the unexpected. that was not a smart move on your end, sir. what are you going to do about don't do it? 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he does not know this either way. he clearly does not care. suarez is he does a political a his main interest is in amplifying the anti white agenda o the anti-whitf the by n in his email, whichn administ rais virtually illiterate, suarz announces that dgi is now the guiding idea at southwest airlines. the word safety never make "sasn appearance. the change iatne. the way airlines operate, and suarez seems to understand that some people some p who work at southwest will be nervous about it. but one suarez has a solution. southwest pilots are notor allowed to , quote, resent or te question the skills of colleagues who have been promoted on the basi bass of stt race and gender based affirmative action quotas. henceforth or ra, pilots must ih incompetence. >> that's goinclieg to solventsu the problem. oblem. but will it solve the problem? not allowing people to notice that their co pilots are incompetent? >> oh, well, as one veteran southwest pilot put it, quote, a core tenant of commercial aviation is to avoidt of aviati ignore distractions and fo distractions and prioritize tasks that foster a safe flight. now, the companyg pi is purposefully distracting pilots with something socompletely unrelated to theis safety of flight. thiscr is criminal negligenceg spending millions of dollars on this when we're having runway incursions incursions and near misses is insane. >> yes, it is insane. and we've said before, adness with both sadness and certainty at some point many people aree going to die because of this. unfortunately, that'touse of th >> so the drama in the bankingso sector, the collapse of silicon valley bank, has a lot oft how o americans concerned about how to protect their moneyotect >> and , of course, politicians are using that concern to their. advantage. as always, several states are now trying to centralize currency with these so-called, central bank digital currency, which is , by the way, not currency at all. >> it's software, but they're going to do it for your own good. >>t for obviously, this is a t total social control. if they contro control your money, if they can zero out your bank stroke, th account with a keystroke, then you have no autonomy. >> they control you. a well, in the state of south dakota, legislators just passed a bill that would have changedyo the definition of moneyde to exclude cryptocurrency, and that would put the stateip o on a path to centralized digital currency. digitacy. h dakota'snor, governor christie noem, the only governor we're aware of, wai s paying attention to this, vetoed that bill . >> she joins us tonight to explain. governor , thank you very much for doing this first and foror n g oncoming on .you do wh iy did you do it? veto. you're obviously under pressure not to veto it, but you did. whyou? y did you, paul tuckei was the right thing to do. >> i became aware of this bill . it wasn't introduced until was almost halfwayn't almost halfwai our legislative session. we started reading through this bill that was over one in ten pages long. it wase sold as an update to te guidelines of the universa guidelines of the universal commercial code backed by allr i of our financialnancial instit, our banks. as we started reading through- it, we saw the section ofrency. the bill that changed the definition of currencyd ess and essentially what it did wasd pave the way for a government led bdc and it also banned anymc other formri of cryptocurrency r bitcoin or digital currency that existed. so for me, it very clearly was a threat to our freedom. in south dakota, we are the session that completes its t business earliest in the we are the first ones to really look at this bill and find out the truth of what's in it. and i did veto that bill . i'm asking my legislators to change their minds to make the right decision and help me kill this bill once and for all. but i'm telling you, tucker,thee we've got the same languags.e coming to over 20 other states . i believe it's a way to pa ve thei believe it's to pave th for the federal government to control our currency everyo and thus control people. it should be alarmingnebe to everyone. and it's beinging sold a anss cc guidelines sold as as nr guidelines update. there's no rususo this. h to we need to be smar dt and makeat sure that we're doing what we can to protect people. i find it ironic that we alsoonc are having this discussion at the same time, we have bankse ba and credit card companies talking about coding gunand and ammunition in a separate code so they can track immuniti so not only can they tie these two issues together, if issues together, if the government doesn't approve of the government doesn't approve of what you're purchasing, if they have the only form of digital currency're out there that is endorsed and utilized in the country, they can controln o how you spend that money and thus take away all money and thus take away all of your freedom. so nicely put in. and i don't think you're overstating at all the significance of this. really quickly, do you think th. and you want to give everyone, a the benefit of the doubt on their motives, but do yount think that legislators in your state understandoubd what s bill was actually designed to do? >> i don't know if they read it, tucker. kno >> sw if theo ity is alarming is it was over one hundred and ten pages longto and they wereyb had by lobbyists that they had listened to for the lastlisten 20 years that it's fine. it's just a regulation update. e do is adoptrt federal regulations. but if you start reading readin you see in there there is a redf redefinition of currency thatbd it says government subsidies are run by theey'r government, but any other formt is then bannedot. it is clearly a change forit's how people's assets are utilized. it clearly limits the freedom l of people to use other formsimif currency that they may choose to if it is a digital currency and it is clearly putting powere into the hands of government. if a we should haves is tha learned the last several years is the government can't be trusted. surprised by tucker, what i was surprised w by was that the bills that havek made to my desk this year,kota people think about south dakota being veto was a and being a very republican state. now first bill i had to veto. was a tax increaseth. it to my s now, thik.s has made it to my desk. we've got other challenges as well. >> tucker: yeah, i i really hope that we've done inspires other governors. goveppreciate coming on . governor christie noem of southn dakota, thank you. thank you. >> tha race stuff has just gotten completelnky out of control. no one benefits except the people in charge. now, benefit the times acting of of the people in charge people is blaming an entire racial in a ggroup for air pollution, r pollution. well, we've got more on that. and , of course, protect environmentalism is no longer about protecting the environment. it activel ity destroys the environment. jordan peterson joins us next. for fox news. media is proud to bring you this. she's a hero in new york city. >> you have to have the skill and the drive to make it here. not all chefs are men .ext meal oh, she can't doco that. she's a girl. the kitchen. not >> ndoo one should go hungryne.y . human right to know where yoe your next meal is coming from. >> we're changing our community. hone night at a time and we're not done yet. if you can see her, you can be her food, especially healthy food is expensive. it is so hard to find whole natural fruits and vegetables at a reasonable price. and no one knows this better than balance of nature. they are always searching for the highest quality farms that produce the highest quality fruits and vegetables, so you can get them at a fraction of the cost. balance of nature's fruits and veggies contain only the best fruits and vegetables that undergo an advanced vacuum called process that preserves the maximum nutrient content. this means you get the powerful health benefits of a wide variety of fruits and vegetables without expensive trips to the grocery store. >> don't wait, eat healthy and save money by going to balance of nature .com today . or call 1-800- two four six eight seven five one . and don't forget to get 35% off your first preferred order when you use discount code. fox news looks like you've been sleeping well. my god, he's back to my pillow guy and you're looking good. >> still feeling good. well, just when you thought it couldn't get any better, we've got the best pillow ever. >> mypillow 2.0. oh, it's so soft and smooth. it's cool to the touch. >> how did you do that? well, we took my pillows patented fill and combine it with this new technology that we didn't have back then when i invented mypillow to bring you the best pillow in history. mypillow 2.0, just like all of you, i never imagined that mypillow could get any better. that's why i haven't changed it in nearly twenty years. then i heard about a revolutionary new technology and i knew i had to bring it to you all. mypillow 2.0 is truly the next generation of mypillow. the my pillow 2.0 is cooler and softer than the last. mypillow. it is so comfortable to sleep on at night. i look forward to going to bed and i wake up well rested in the morning. sleep is all about temperature and height. mypillow, to point out, is patented adjustable. phil is going to give you the exact individual support you need from your head to your bed. and now here's where it gets even better. we've experienced those temperature related sleep interruptions where you get two hot , you toss and turn, you flip your pillow over to the cool side. all that's gone with my brand new my pillow 2.0 cooling fabric that's made with temperature regulating thread. the best sleep just got even better. whether you have a pillow or not, you need to get the brandnew mypillow 2.0 cooler, go to mypillow home now. use your promo code and for a limited time when you buy one , you'll get a second one absolutely free. >> you're sleeping even better and cooler too. and you're looking good. feeling good? 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p well, the l.a.ublished times has we published a piece with this title, and we're quoting how whitg --e and affluent driv are polluting the air breathed by people of color. oh, right. we looked this up. was written by yet anotherd decadent rich kid who wentt to to harvard westlake, the most expensive private school in los angeles. >>ol in los but here he's claiming in the l.a. times that just by breathing, white people areer hurting others aren't just hims at this point, like, what is this? it's bad. it's bad is what it is. is what it is . other we don't need to hate eachf colo other on the basis of color indp the l.a. times should stopng wih pushing this along with the rest of the media. media.environmentalism seems to about protecting the environment. and most people are completelye be about prote in favor of that. that but the environmental movement of today has nothingvironmental with protecting the environment . they're destroying the environment, killing 're destroying the e californthe california condora with their wind projects and whales and basically wrecking africa with alls needed for their new the elements needed for- etc., their new battery revolution, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. around's not about the environm. it's some kind c of weird cult an around climate and who better to assess a cult than jordan peterson, who is famous we a psychologist and author. we asked him aboutut wha what t is happening recently. >> here's the conversation that resulted during peterson. >> thank you so much for coming on it. e premis just just to begin with , the premise that the modern environmental movement environmt seem to be doing a lot for envie the actual environment. it's my observationt, n. what do you think that's about? well, i think the best examplee of that is probably both sria am anlanka and germany.a is i mean, sri lanka is an absolute wasteland at the moment as a direct consequence of idiot hypothetic ,environmentalist policies. and then in germany,t, energ y is much more expensive than it it was. it's much more unreliable than it was's much more uas. . gn the germans are dangerouslye dar dependent on dictators and theol russians. and that's all a consequence of hypothetical environmentalistnt policies. so even by thelicies standards.d down by the environmentalists themselves, the policies th that were put in place that were pro environmental are failing. s but there's something that's even deeper lying underneath the surface. alex epstein has made a fairte bit of this in hisin made new also future. but i started delving into this, i guess, 30 years ago when i wrote my first book, maps of meaning. so, tucker, it's becomn i wrotes clear recently as a consequence of converging evidence from a lot of different disciplines, neuroscience, artificial intelligences, neuroscie ar, and literary criticism. odd bedfellows, by the way , and there's more a scientific and humanities endeavors involved in this convergence than those that the structurewos through which we see the world is essentially a narrative, is a story. and so and in fact, i askedworl' the world's greatest neuroscientist about a month ago on my podcast, cars ientists ,if even our object perceptions were micro stories . and he said that that was clearly the case. and he's speaking as a scientist, by the way. and so that begs the question,e if we sewoe the world through a story, what should that what sh is that story? it be? and what are the funda and what should it be and whath are the fundamental elements that the story has to contain? and so the environmental to offer us a story to live by . and it's a pseudo religious story and it essentially elevates the biosphere, the earth, gaia, the earth goddess, let's say, to the status of primary deityty and characterizes as sort of a waif like innocent victim, easily taken advantage of and fragile. it casts the entire human on tho endeavor on the social frontci as a and pillaging patriarchalpd monster only interested in pillg power. and it casts the individualiarc thatteas like devouring mouth rg on the back of that giant to essentially. of and so that's a description of the world. and there's some truth to that ,right? because we can wreak environmental havoc. yes, social structures cancan b become power mad and we can be carelessly consumerist. carelesst it's a very incomplete story. it it demonize demons a veryr p pathological manner. so when you hear people saythino things likthing but a e human be nothing but a cancer on the face of the planet or there's too manymany people fonr the on the planet, for the earth to to feed. let' thens say, then you're seeing reflections of that underlying pseudo religious narrative and it's extraordinarily dangerous. now, the reason that you can see that in some ways itsou religious structure rather than than a careful attempt to grapple with the full realities of the world, is that it has these odd features. so, for example,st the environmentalists tenduclear to radically oppose nuclear power and also naturaland also t and it's clearly the case thatud there's nothing that reduces carbon productiorbon pron that more effectively. the nuclear power that's i don't think anybody with any' thnse of debates that and it's also clearly the case that ifbee we were careful with nuclear power and we could be because we've been buildinplants for agl plants for a long time, that we could be providing extremely low cost energy to people, that. especially poor people throughout the world. but we we are not going to dopl, that. in fact, we have an anti energy policy in place, especially in any places that are ruledially essentially by the lefby the leu and the consequence of thatsa is , well, i just saw today understaff just released a report showing that there's been a twenty five percentshowir increase in the last year and a half in the number of woment coq and children that are starving around the world to direct the consequence of the increase inin energy prices, which are ina die themselves a direct consequence of anti industrial policies put in place by hypotheticace by, well-meaning, deluded, pseudo religious environmental it's an apenvironmen of the apo it's it's an appalling's -- it situation. >> and it's it's likely to get worse, i would say, before it gets better. not cheery, but probably true. >> well, in canada, catholic school is punishing one of itsdo students because he daredeve th to believe that men and womeatn cathol are different. they dare to be a catholic inch. a catholic school. that's whe n hext. joi. sunday. >> the faith and friends concert series, catch house fires must see performance so i love you sunday on fox and friends weekend presented by hello the number one program. >> how does this nobel prize winning doctor support his memory and stay focused? 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this is a place you can live in, build in, move in, thrive in. if you're all in, it's all in north carolina. ranked america's top state for business. not many americans pay attention to canada. the entire country could disappear and it wouldn't make the nightly news herada. e. but we watch what's happeninge h in canada because it's fascinating. how could such a nice country nc become totalitarian so quickly? are there lessons for us ? well, for example, a highe lesso school student in canada has been arrested for declaringor that men and women are different. men are differjosh alexander at. joseph's high school catholic high school in renfrew, ontario. he was barred from school from the grounds for saying that god created two genders because that's kind of a christian precept, but also common sensem poli . when he showed ucep fo ar class police arrested him. you can see on your screen n se right now. d be worth so we thought to be worth. talking to him. and now we are josh alexander and his lawyer, james kitchin join us . thanks to you both for coming on . becaush , first to you. that men and wted because you showed up on campus atffer a catholic school for saying that men and womenent. areo, different. >> have wet's overstated that?l no, that'sy exactly whatof s happened. there was there was a lot oftep steps that it took to get to that point. but female students complained concerned because males were to me and they said they were concerned because males were using their washrooms. this turned into a debate at the school. and i stayed, in my opinion, up. and i use scripture to back that up. they me fromen i the building for the remainder of the year. and when i attemptedttempted tod ch in class, i was arrested and charged. >> did you point out that thists is a christian school and that this is like a corth ae i christian idea? book whise it's like inth the christian book, which some called the biblchle. e? yeah, absolutely.olutely. i actually tried to have tht discussion with my administrators, but they they refused to do so.o. >> mr kitchin, my apologies, mr. by the way, on what's happeneda to your, i think, great countrye . >> what' ls your recourse legali in canada? well, it's limited, of course, because our constitutions is much weaker and because there seems to be culturally and legally, much less respecthe for individual rights and freedoms and much more interesterestt in, you knon government having the kind of power to do what it wantg s. e but there is recourse to the ontario human rights commission in this case. ontwe think there's been religs discrimination on the basis of joshes christian religious going to fi beliefles. complaint to we're going to file a complaint to the human rights commission. and there is recourse throughseh the board itself as far as appealing these disciplinary decision appealings. >> we hope to explore that as well. tamean, fidel castro's son takes over your country and all of a sudden it becomescn like it's just shocking.y just shocking. quickly to you, e officers who arrested you, a high school student, for quoting the bible in a a christian school, must have been ashamed of themselves. i woul must d hopehaveas. hamedf did they seem embarrassed? i've hdn't say so. i've had a lot oad a lotf exper of years through the with police over the last f thuple of years, jusreedt throuh the freedom convoy and other events like that. and the police state is quite embarrassing in our country. sothere's no d there was no dift response from them. >> tre you going to continue high school? i would ho >> i'm certainly going to try to . i would hope that my personalbef beliefs wouldn'ts wo exclude me but it from an education, but it would appear that's the wa's the y its going to be. >> it's an unbelievable story. th i hope you'll both come back . thank, josh alexander, james kitchin, as your attorney , we'll be right back . that being a public servant, call me one of many things. >> i expect the unexpected. that was not a smart move on your end, sir. what are you going to do tonight? don't do it. i want to go back on that day. back . >> that boy for muscle cramps and spasms. >> thera works relief works fast, so get back at it. there. works works for fast muscle relief. therrell works works available in stores everywhere. looks like you've been sleeping well, megan . he's back to my pillow guy and you're looking good. still feeling good. well, just when you thought it couldn't get any better, we've got the best pillow ever. mypillow 2.0. >> oh, so soft and smooth. it's cool to the touch. how did you do that? 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History ,We Reg ,Fa Month ,Social Media Feeds ,Video ,Money ,The ,Process ,Wealth Gap ,Billions ,Was So N ,Problemwealth G With Lettings ,Thaowt Cfib ,Lettings ,Flo ,Border Girlw P ,Co Founder ,Dan Rather ,Simola ,Benjo ,Best ,The Best Of Both Worlds ,Border ,Memo ,Privilege ,Oscars ,Worlds H ,Ucsd ,Men ,Power ,Refrigerator ,Put Intowomen ,Unaddressed ,Shows ,Guys ,Time Banking ,Tb ,Bs Attention ,Didn T ,Tha ,Closen ,Government ,Interest Rates ,Fai ,Pioneeringshattering Women So ,Lows ,Thvideos ,Treasury Bonds ,Wh Sen Io ,Glass Ceiling ,Twenty Billion ,Value ,Bonds ,Pra ,Ths ,Banks Werement ,Zerot Forever ,This Vern ,Disaster ,Individuals ,Ofand Bankruptcies ,Ton ,Sub ,Ofvid ,Thiths ,Wall ,He Daredeve Th ,Biden ,Thing ,Everyone ,Doesn T Seemistration ,Restin G Thinbut ,Tech Industry ,Ofbut Us ,Effects ,Fun Of ,Bankruptciesm Bad ,Doesn T ,Matter ,No ,Real Concern ,Making Videote About Pioneering Female ,Whethers Whet ,Everybody ,Ceciliapor Rouse ,Reporters ,Incident ,Room ,White House 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Billion ,Attention ,Economy ,Thish E ,Sectors ,Sector ,Computer Glitch ,Thm ,Tothere ,We Rpe ,Somethingin Serious ,Wewer ,Janet Yellen ,Treasury Secretary ,Job ,Hysteria ,Fora ,Ifbut ,You Dbe ,It Tn ,Workers ,Core ,Equityabortion ,Pensions ,Dayno ,Duties ,Ukrainian ,Biden Harrisen ,Agenda ,Lead ,Centerpiece ,Health Cao Including Abortion ,Reproductivn Accee ,Roe V Wade ,Threat ,Climate ,Fo ,Labor Force Participation ,Changet Climat ,Message ,Equitequiy Equity ,Abortions ,Adults ,Smart ,You Economy ,Problems ,Self Control ,Wise Peoplend ,Foresight ,Actualproblems W Problems ,Childrenildren H Hour ,Consequence ,Termstuff ,Cable News ,Stuff ,Ability ,Whichr ,Bank Failureon In American History ,Nation ,Biggest ,O ,Hu ,Failur Largee ,Sec ,2008 ,Congresswoman Cory Bush Of St ,Y ,Racism ,C ,Yes ,Nobody ,It Caledg ,Colleagues ,Republican ,Expertise ,Expense ,Profits ,Black ,Titans ,Louis ,Maxo ,Think Tank ,Health ,Safety ,Forms E ,Raskin ,Oversight Colleagues ,Oversight ,Well Being ,Neighbors ,Nationalism ,Safetyigenou Neighbors ,Republicany Ersight Colls To Det Nationalism ,Al Inedl Ofl ,White Supremacy ,Kind ,Fine ,Peope ,Peace ,Prosperity ,Helm ,Amusing ,Laughf South ,Blah ,Blah Ah ,Great T S Fine ,Thdin It ,Dollar Budget ,Idea ,Aved ,Mg ,Seven ,Times ,Concerns ,Widerstand ,One Hundred ,48 ,Justice ,Know B ,Feel Bette R Woo The Adults ,Crosand Crossdressing ,Eight ,Sixty Three ,Twenty Five ,Bank Failures ,Bue T ,Debt ,Inflation ,Mor Interest Rate Cuts ,Pnoth ,Ten ,Twenty ,Story Of The Year ,Don T ,Stephanie Pambo ,Everything ,Big Th ,Care ,Leaders ,Macro Mavens ,Ethano ,Assessment ,Wh ,Usnt ,Whatat ,Ur Coolest ,Ceo Mi ,Seei Wee ,Th Diversity ,Situation ,Sthatd ,Come On Have Y ,Gotve Yoo ,The Root ,Inclusion E Roare ,Wherou U ,Economists ,Insanity ,Hit Let ,Atlantic Articles ,Videosu ,Vacations ,Fed Hadn T ,Style ,Form ,Interview ,Crisis ,Severalr ,Hyperbolic ,Bagoe ,Rates ,Economy Toning ,Yout Don T ,Raise Rates ,Record ,Speculation ,Goingthis T ,Saying ,Fashion ,Today S 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,Apologyunit ,Ine Oppt ,Philosopher Energy Expert ,Couldn T ,Ve Respng On ,Cogently ,Fossil Futurero ,Eppstein ,Ford ,Himn Ao ,Fwhg ,Ofsnes Juseriousness ,Me Woro Though ,Thsponse To Corey Bush ,She Doesn T I Don Twhat ,Poster ,Atpreo ,College ,Printto ,Hearing ,Soil Security ,Kees An Somen ,Spr ,Counter Argument ,Somethin Whg ,Kinko S ,Superiorn I Sf ,Countries ,Collapsedcountrin ,People Making Energy Policy ,The World ,Clip ,Is Nd En ,Aroundother ,Thatlikew Hafrivolous ,Partisan ,Responseth ,Re Fracking ,Europe ,Shale Revolution ,The Greatest Energy Achievement Achieve ,Playbook ,Dependance ,Energy Crisis ,Natural Gas ,Buyingope ,Wake Ae Up Call ,Nationsn T Get ,Coolness ,Pressure ,The Wayal ,Mel Tucker ,Copy ,Fossil Future ,Guesmany Democrats ,Spy ,Stansberry ,Go Hand ,She ,Orange ,Tw ,Fee ,Tonight Re Eviof ,Digital Currency ,Airlines ,Evidence ,Thanks ,We Continu E ,Toi ,Greatms ,Thank You Yo ,Wpriorities ,Dave Mo ,Estate ,Freedom ,Evenis C ,Actionit Fa ,No One ,Happening ,Ofvernor Kri ,Move ,Servant ,Unexpected ,End ,Sir ,Gate ,Truth ,Spain ,Ingredient ,Moving ,Pain Relief Cream ,Goal ,Moneybag Guaranty Trust ,Therapy ,Comfort ,Emotion ,100 ,Names ,Baseball ,World Baseball Classic ,National Pride ,Fox ,Great Britain ,00 ,9 ,Eastern On Fox ,Friends ,Show ,Massacre Fox Wednesday ,Good ,Sesame Street ,Voices ,Baby ,Mask ,Singer ,Costumes ,Big Bird ,Letter ,Gun ,Impact ,Defender ,Screen Fans ,Glenn Beck ,Al Lindop ,Anywhere ,Unblended Dot Com ,Fruit ,Droplets ,Smoothie ,Plunger ,Shoes ,Heel Crushing ,2023 ,Shipping ,Personality ,Shoe ,Returns ,Reviews ,Don T Take My Word ,Five Star ,Step Into Cusack ,30 ,Thirteen Thousand Five ,15 ,Quilting ,Rooms ,Audience ,Tv Set ,Com Slash ,Kissack ,Sipri ,

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