there s a recent poll coming out in new york state, young people are leaving and saying the taxes are too high. where do they go. texas, i don t know. neil: wait a minute, you re telling me a lot of the young diligent, they re going to texas. you have no idea where they re going. neil: i don t believe it. i don t believe it. in other words, not new yorkers, not the village. they are leaving by by the way, people are leaving for lower taxes. neil: i stand corrected. neil. neil: adam? as i have before on this program i will play the reagan optimist. i am optimistic that we re talking so much about this, we re talking more about it, we re getting closer to solving the problem, not further away. neil: no, we re not, no, we re not. you know how it s going to be solved. we ll hit the date and medicare will poy out 90% of benefits promised. it s messy, ugly. no way. neil: medicare wouldn t be the problem, if you just help mom and dad out a little bit. now wh
it, at that at that price. i agree with dagen. i was hurt. i sold it for maybe $5 less. why were you hurt. i agree with dagen, because i think we re missing . how were you hurt? how were you hurt, dagen? we are he missing the the bigger point here. we had a problem in this country where hedge funds have become such a dominant force. i m just worried. why is that a problem? well, they have a different set of rules. it s a problem if they if it s a problem if they it s a different tax treatment. i know, my point is that they have their own in this case does nothing more than to try to level the playing field and quit rewarding them special treatment there might be benefit. i don t have a problem with ending the tax treatment, but if you re telling me that if you sell a stock because raj wants to buy it and he has information and hurts you because he has to information. he takes my profit. you were going to sell it, you were going to sell it.
giving him a free trigger for, you know, a cocktail, you know, in the next hour. by definition our spending problems are caused and complicit and all from our congress. so, to give them carte blanche, an automatic tax raise like free drinks for all alcoholics, god bless. then we ve got to decide to raise the debt ceiling if you don t want to oh, another, beautiful, you re beautiful, man, let s do that. and the bars and alcohol, all night, that s kind of what the government they can t stop spending and we need controls that are automatic like lights out at the bar and this is sort of like that. nothing to do with it, nothing to do with the lights out. it doesn t stop spending, the problem is alcohol is the spending, giving them more reason to spend not cutting them off, here, spend more and pay for it let me get back to the question.
unemployed rather than give them the jobless benefits that don t end? there is no doubt about it. these people want to work. they don t want to sit around and collect unemployed benefits. the problem is the government because of no long-term tax policy stifled the job creation. this bill may not be the answer but a step in the right direction. the biggest problem that the states face is they can t handle high unemployment for long-term. 33% of state funding comes from the federal government. that stimulus money. they can t afford the unemployment for long period. david: this is $31 billion left over. cheryl: this was approved last year. if the states took the money and did what they wanted they could do the wage subsidy to help the folks as they try to get on their feet. it would be the state s choice. what do you think? they could. but the states can t mind their wallet either. it d rather see the money go to state tax rate or drop in corporate tax rate as well. get the compan
information and trade upon it, i don t have problem with that because you know what it didn t hurt you. mr. payne. i think everyone s made great points. if it was a material fact and they get wind of it before you do doesn t change the fact of it. so, i kind of disagree with dagen in the sense that she lost that because raj s gain, but by the same token i agree with you, the hedge funds are in a world of their own and have a different set of rules and hiding behind the big hedges out in the mansions in connecticut and don t have to play by the same rules as everyone does. at the end of the day charlie, is absolutely right. there s always going to be things leaked. every single day i he see things leaked in the the stock market. every single day. neil: all right, a quick break here. you want the work, show us the dirt. the new white house push to get companies to disclose their political donations and well, it s creating a firestorm. what is it going to mean for jobs? the forbes g