there's a recent poll coming out in new york state, young people are leaving and saying the taxes are too high. >> where do they go. >> texas, i don't know. >> neil: wait a minute, you're telling me a lot of the young diligent, they're going to texas. >> you have no idea where they're going. >> neil: i don't believe it. i don't believe it. >> in other words, not new yorkers, not the village. >> they are leaving by-- by the way, people are leaving for lower taxes. >> neil: i stand corrected. >> neil. >> neil: adam? >> as i have before on this program i will play the reagan optimist. i am optimistic that we're talking so much about this, we're talking more about it, we're getting closer to solving the problem, not further away. >> neil: no, we're not, no, we're not. >> you know how it's going to be solved. we'll hit the date and medicare will poy out 90% of benefits promised. >> it's messy, ugly. >> no way. >> neil: medicare wouldn't be the problem, if you just help mom and dad out a little bit. >> now what, that actually goes to something that happened in this culture, when