The iPhone 15 base model is expected to have higher sales in India compared to the iPhone 14 base model, thanks to its design and feature upgrades, analysts say. The locally made iPhone 15 will be available in the first wave of launch, alongside China-made units. Apple s confidence in India is reflected in its supply chain diversification.
IPhone 15 Launch: Locally made iPhone 15 base model is expected to be made available in the first wave of launch, making it the first time that both China and India-made units will go on sale the same day. Market trackers said this underpins the optimism and confidence Apple has from the South Asian nation, amidst increasing diversification of its supply chain in China.
Many cheered the iPhone 15 Pro s new 3 nanometer chip and Apple s pitch that console-quality games such as "Resident Evil 4 Remake", can be played on the device, appealing to China s army of mobile gamers.