The European Commission launched on 17 January the Talent Booster Mechanism . This Mechanism will support EU regions affected by the accelerated decline of their working age population to train, retain and attract the people, the skills and the competences needed to address the impact of the demographic transition.
What are the outermost regions? The EU counts with nine outermost regions: French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte, Reunion Island and Saint-Martin …
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01/07/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/07/2021 05:44
Coronavirusbekæmpelse og genopretning: EU støtter regionalt samarbejde i innovative pilotprojekter
The Commission has announced the winners of a new EU-funded initiative for interregional partnerships in four areas:
coronavirus-related innovative solutions,
sustainable and digital tourism, and
hydrogen technologies in carbon-intensive regions. The aim of this new pilot action, which builds on the successful experience of a similar action on interregional innovation projects launched at the end of 2017, is to mobilise regional and national innovation actors to address the impact of coronavirus. This initiative also helps the recovery using the new Commission programmes through scaling up projects in new priority areas, such as health, tourism or hydrogen.