there is a car coming. i better hurry up. ? medieval times the vento was larger extending into what is today the next door neighbor of fruili venezia giulia. here we are in venezia. northeast of venice. a mile from the slovenia border. it s very lush, beautiful with your you re not getting all the fish you get in venice. when it was part of the venetian empire this was the overland entry foint for goods where spices entered europe. for most of the inherit fruili was austrian and part of the austria hung gaern empire. all of these influences made this cross-roads a culinary gold mine. it s just so pretty.
is the one. that s really good. this is delicious. delicious. i m happy that you love. i love it. it s the perfect mix of so many different cultures. yes. right in a bowl. we have to tell the people that italy is not a cliche. every region has many shades and fruili giulia is union of the most interesting place to visit because of the complexity. you ve had a great impact making people aware of that because you have this incredible restaurant. the rich fusion of tastes in fruili comes from geoography and history of of the citizens openness to outside influences. any weren t the only ones, the venetians rerled on centuries of trade to create immense wealth and global influence.