San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco rules Committee Rules committee i believe was just mailed to supervisors. Im pleased to submit this letter of support for unintelligible candidacy. Working as a lone female scientist. Doctor unintelligible has demonstrated over 40 years of research. Special focus on increasing female participation. unintelligible an at risk teenage girls have receive mentorship since 2008. Has received National Geographic explorer written extensively about the eucalyptus tree, a tree with importance to our city. Honored as a fulbright senior specialist. Serving in the California Academy of scientist. Shes been awarded multiple times for her work. Supervisor mar calling dr. Loman sounds like canopy meg. I wanted to say that to have a pioneer scientists and activist on the urban forrester council will add tremendous depth to the forrester council. I am pleased that she has been appointed and am looking forward to supporting her. Supervisor tang thank you supervis
Prejudice, the small contractors but it is going to be good for the city. And it is going to reward, the good contractors, and the many good contractors, large and small, and who do good work for the city. And so, i do and i just scribe these amendments in the beginning i would ask that the committee would adopt them and to forward this item with the positive recommendation. Supervisor yee . Thank you. First of all, i also want to thank the public for coming out. And thank you for supervisor weiner for putting this forward and i am happy to as you mentioned join you as a cosponsor. On this and i think were right this is really the much of this will be on the shoulder of city staff to figure out the languages so that that is going to be effective when were talking about the subcontractors i felt like in the contractor can continues to keep on using the same bad subcontractors will be reflective how youll rate them for me advertised im not looking for the city to go after a after a contr
Hearing for the budget update on Information Technology and the capital plan for 20162017 and 20172018 and okay. Thank you i know we have bryan sfroong from Capital Improvement planing well leave to you in terms of which ones goes first. Good afternoon board of supervisors Budget Finance Committee im sandra the director of the committee on Information Technology i have the pleasure this afternoon of providing a brief presentation on this by fiscal year 20162017 and 20172018. Go to our computer screen thank you. As part of the budget process the budget has projects that reviews from the general fund and Nongeneral Fund departments projects submissions that scored against a set of criteria for the 5 year information and Conversation Technology the scope and impact on efficiency and the support of Technology Infrastructure and transparency and innovation coit started making recommendations to the coit information subcommittee on the highest projects for krfrgs approval this meeting define