You know what team if holistic aesthetic that. Free thinking. Honest revolutionary values radical fast. That is about house. After 100 years the ideals of the bar house are more relevant today than they were the spa horse for 100 years ago about house reimagine the future under the lever how we learn how do we live in truth of house and back the boat house influence is everywhere. To our house set out to formulate a language of design that was universal it would be that serves as a list that everything has an ideal high its an ideal size and thats what optimizers its utility but not in the way they want this kind of push to go out from wherever you are properly with your design a world every where youre an artist. Bound house is a legend the brilliance of the Bauhaus School remains undiminished even today. Even though its existence was short lived it continues to shape the world we live in. New approaches to education and training architecture painting dance and design were explored an
Demay, the founder and cto of hawkeye 360. And hawkeye is an rf Data Analytics company. Tina harrington. Director of cigant at the nro. And Major General john shaw. United States Air Force who is the Deputy Commander of air force Space Command. Im going to have each of them do a short introduction to frame their mission and their priorities. After we hear from them, ill start a couple of rounds of questions. As chuck said, please get your questions ready. Ive already had a few pop up on the ipad. We certainly want to be able to answer your questions from the audience. So, chris, over to you. All right. Thank you, tish. First off, thank you to insa for hosting this incredible and important event. Tish, thanks for leading the panel. Again, chris demay. Im one of the founders and the chief Technology Officers for hawkeye 360. My background is in government. Spent 14 years both with nsa and nro, in fact, my last government boss is on the panel with me today. And from those experiences, i l
Reception. We do have a pretty full slate of program today, including three plenary sessions, six Breakout Sessions, the summit concludes this afternoon with what should be a very memorable discussion with most of our top Intelligence Agency leaders. As a reminder, we value your questions. I hope you saw several of your questions asked yesterday, and in particular, start thinking of your questions and get them and so we can get them up on stage. And again, if you see it up there, think will try to have a scrolling thing to remind you of the email address so please get your questions in. Yesterday, you heard a little bit about next weeks classified summit follow one day. Based on your feedback we brought the summit format last year by adding a classified follow one day this year declassified day takes place the week from today on thursday september 12, at nga east campus in springfield. Stacy, thanks again for hosting us out there. We are honored to have odni Deputy Director for Mission
Apollo 11 eagle touchdown on the moon. Was as it was an amazing adventure for the past 50 years we havent gotten beyond earth orbit and the space station as well what happened then was a unique scientific and technological achievement we can show if we. Are persecuted. This week 50 years after humans 1st landed on the moon were asking what insights have the Apollo Missions brought. Is he headed for the moon soon astronaut trains on an island rather like the lunar surface. And we visit a berlin startup thats building rover welcome to our special lunar edition of tomorrow today. The earth and moon attract one another the moon is Gravitational Force drives the tides in the earths oceans and then in 1000. 00. Sixtys humans began a program that would eventually take us there. And nasa apollo 11 mission was the 1st of 6 successful moon landings only apollo 13 had to abort. The program was certainly a political success for america but was it a success for science. And the. Astronauts on the A
The past 50 years we havent gotten beyond earth orbit and the space station as well what happened then was a unique scientific and technological achievement from software here nice to meet a person or 2. This week 50 years after simmons 1st landed on the moon where asking what insights have the Apollo Missions brought. Is he headed for the moon soon astronaut trains on an island rather like the lunar surface. And we visit a berlin startup thats building moon rovers welcome to our special lunar edition of tomorrow today. The earth and moon attract one another the moons Gravitational Force drives the tides in the earths oceans and then in the 1960 s. Humans began a program. That would eventually take us there. To meet the nasa apollo 11 mission was the 1st of 6 successful moon landings only apollo 13 had to abort. The program was certainly a political success for america but it wasnt a success for science. Astronauts on the Apollo Missions didnt just plant their flags on the mean. The 1s