Imphal: Amid tribal groups accusing the NIA and CBI of high-handedness in Manipur, the central agencies on Monday said every arrest made in the restive state, which has been witnessing ethnic clashes since May, is based on evidence gathered by investigative teams.
The NIA and CBI officials working here in an ethnically charged environment have been facing the daunting task of
Refuting the allegations levelled by the Indigenous Tribal Leaders' Front, an organisation claiming to represent the Kuki-Zo community of Manipur hills, officials from both agencies said no partiality has been shown against any community, religion
India News: Refuting the allegations levelled by the Indigenous Tribal Leaders' Front (ITLF), an organisation claiming to represent the Kuki-Zo community of Manip
More than 180 people lost their lives and several hundreds were injured since the ethnic clashes broke out in Manipur on May 3, after a Tribal Solidarity March was organised in the hill districts to protest against the Meitei community s demand for Scheduled Tribe status.
The NIA and CBI officials working here in an ethnically charged environment have been facing the daunting task of completing investigations in various cases, including those related to attacks on Army personnel in 2015, the probe agencies said.