A special assembly was organised to celebrate Indian Navy Day. The assembly began under the chairmanship of Principal Vinita Kumar Tomar. Bharti of Class IX delivered a speech to glorify the martyrs of the Indo-Pakistan War of 1971. Palak of Class IX recited a poem on the bravery of Navy soldiers. T
On the occasion of the Indian Navy Day 2022, Chief of Naval Staff (CNS) Admiral R Hari Kumar recalled and paid tributes to the bravehearts of India for the supreme sacrifice they made in protecting the nation.
On the occasion of the Indian Navy Day, Chief of Naval Staff (CNS) Admiral R Hari Kumar recalled and paid tributes to the bravehearts of India for the supreme sacrifice they made in protecting the nation.
The Indian Navy’s plan to have a bigger indigenous aircraft carrier (IAC II) has been put on hold and the option of a repeat order of the recently commissioned IAC I (INS Vikrant) is being contemplated.