Sudip Bandyopadhyay, 75, representing the Trinamool Congress, faces internal strife within his party despite holding the Kolkata North seat since 2009. The departure of long-time loyalist Tapas Roy to the BJP highlighted tensions within the party. In Kolkata North, Bandyopadhyay secured victory in 2019 with a significant margin. Kolkata Dakshin Lok Sabha constituency witnessed notable candidates from major political factions in the recent elections.
Howrah, a significant urban center in West Bengal, is poised for a political shakeup as the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) challenges Mamata Banerjee s stronghold. With the Lok Sabha Elections 2024 results looming, the BJP s potential surge in West Bengal could redefine the state s political landscape.
After the Lok Sabha election, the INDIA bloc members demand PM Modi s resignation for failing to retain majority without allies, citing a popular rejection of BJP s vendetta politics.
The BJP-led NDA is set to form its third successive government at the Centre with the Lok Sabha election results on Tuesday throwing up a verdict that also brought cheer to the opposition INDIA alliance as it put up a strong performance with Congress almost touching the 100-seat mark.