India recorded 2,927 fresh infections in a day which pushed the case tally to 4,30,65,496 while the active caseload increased to 16,279, according to Union Health Ministry data today.
India on Monday reported at least 2,541 new COVID-19 Cases, bringing the total number of coronavirus cases to 4,30,60,08. According to the Union Health Ministry, the active cases increased to 16,522,
With 2,527 coronavirus infections being reported in a day, India's total tally of cases rose to 4,30,54,952, while active cases have increased to 15,079, according to Union health ministry data updated today.
With 2,451 new coronavirus infections being reported in a day, India's total tally of COVID-19 cases rose to 4,30,52,425, while the active cases increased to 14,241, according to the Union Health Ministry data updated today.