Footsteps trying to follow your lead for how to extract information from this man. We have doubleteamed him, as has the world on this question of where did you get the information . And what strikes me as so interesting today, no reporters have caught up with that. Theres no report in the new york times, the washington journal, the Washington Post, no one has figured out where Michael Avenatti got all this Banking Information about Michael Cohen. And weve got little pieces of it and prospects of little piece of it. We have news organizations, including nbc news saying they too have seen financial documents that corroborate what Michael Avenatti reported p p we have these Big Companies corroborating what he reported saying yeah we paid that money to Michael Cohen. Now we have the treasury Inspector General reportedly investigating to find out if somebody released suspicious
reports from the Banking Sector and if thats the way he got this information. If thats the way he got it, and the
Be asking themselves regardless of the nuclear deal, why do you want to do business with the Worlds Largest financer of International Terrorism . Bill Benjamin Hall has more. That story Live In London. Good morning, bill. What these sanctions do are give companies two options. One to deal with the multitrillion economy of the u. S. Or to deal with iran. What weve seen overnight is Companies Choosing to deal with the u. S. Despite European Countries trying to force them in other directions. President trump tweeted this morning saying the iran sanctions have officially been cast. These are the most biting sanctions ever imposed and in november they ratchet up to yet another level. Anyone doing business with iran will not be doing business with the United States. Im asking for world peace, nothing less. And the response was quick. Just in the last few hours the French Oil Giant has said it will quit its multibillion
the door was open for negotiations. Iranians refused. Bill. Bill we await
It does not get into 16. He only managed for about four months in the summer of 2016. Harris why do you think bob mueller is perched . For the reasons that this judge has said, what you only one Paul Manafort, you are only squeezing him, the judges phrase, they do not speak this way from the bench. Harris this judge has been very candid. Very colorful, you are only squeezing Paul Manafort because he want him to testify against the president. The response to that is we are lawyers and we have ethical duties. We are prosecutors. If we find evidence of crimes, we must pursue that criminality whether it is our original mission or not, that is a truthful statement of the obligation, they can pursue it themselves or pass it on and have their pursuit. Harris you are judge looking at this case, how much time could Paul Manafort face . Thats where the pressure comes in, right . He could be convicted to 60
years in jail, exposed to more, but thats what it will come down to if he is convicted of
Not take impeachment lightly. Yet, i am here to do my job as a member of congress. [speaking in foreign language]
and today, i pray for god for his guidance in uniting great nation. And for that, the gentleman from new york, i yield. The gentleman will reap be required to give a translation of your remarks. The gentle mike johnson from new york. Mr. Collins is recognized. I would have to disagree with my chairman. Im not sure what hes been watching but the facts are not undisputed. Not only by the minority but the dash and without a yield. I think you gentleman for yielding. Mr. Speaker, i rise today in opposition to the democrat sham process which makes a mockery of the rules of the house, and its frankly dangerous to the count
country. Since day number one the democrats have made it clear that they wanted to move towards impeachment well before any of the accusations took place. What democrats unfortunately dont recognize is the damage that this will cause for our political instituti
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