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It does not get into 16. He only managed for about four months in the summer of 2016. Harris why do you think bob mueller is perched . For the reasons that this judge has said, what you only one Paul Manafort, you are only squeezing him, the judges phrase, they do not speak this way from the bench. Harris this judge has been very candid. Very colorful, you are only squeezing Paul Manafort because he want him to testify against the president. The response to that is we are lawyers and we have ethical duties. We are prosecutors. If we find evidence of crimes, we must pursue that criminality whether it is our original mission or not, that is a truthful statement of the obligation, they can pursue it themselves or pass it on and have their pursuit. Harris you are judge looking at this case, how much time could Paul Manafort face . Thats where the pressure comes in, right . He could be convicted to 60 years in jail, exposed to more, but thats what it will come down to if he is convicted of all of these allegations. But the conviction depends on whether or not, for the most part, because there are some documents that support the governments case. But for the most part to the conviction falls on rick gates and the job of Paul Manaforts lawyers which as peter doocy just told us will start in 30 minutes is to destroy him on the witness stand. Harris pete hegseth and i talked about this last hour, i am curious to know how important is it to know that Paul Manafort has dealings with the prorussian ukrainian president who we know is as dirty as they come . Again the judge ordered the government not to use pejorative terms about these ukrainian officials, do not call it oligarchs, called on the former president. Because a judge does not want to sanitize things, but he does not want to add prejudicial term to describe him. Interviews with newsmakers and roundtable discussions cover the top news stories of the day. Michael cohen under investigation for tax fraud. The Wall Street Journal has just reported and it has been a headscratcher as to what to the federal government is after Michael Cohen four. The areas. Harris Wall Street Journal reporting as legal pressure mounts, the bank loans are under scrutiny by prosecutors, Wall Street Journal also reporting the legal pressures facing cohen are a wideranging investigation of his Business Affairs and his work on behalf of his former clients President Trump. We believe what the Wall Street Journal just reported though new to the public is not new to Michael Cohen and his lawyers and that they have been negotiating for weeks on this with not with bob mueller, but the federal prosecutors and working with bob mueller, and that some of those negotiations have already been leaked. Harris can i ask you how this plays out in the American Public . Because we know that politics plays a role, we have to Pay Attention to what they may be seeing. To this investigation a bob mueller has seen some arms and legs with some very interesting actors, some of them criminal, what do you make of it all . It is a lot larger than anybody imagined at the time that Jeff Sessions recused himself and allowed his deputy Rod Rosenstein to appoint the Special Counsel. And in a sense, this is this is egregiously unfair to the president. That they have now ensnared his own lawyer in conversations that he, the president , was not president at that time had every reason to believe that he protected and were confidential are now fair game. Harris here is where i am going, Jeff Sessions, did he recuse himself so to early based on what youre saying . No, but i could not predict how broad this would be. Harris that is a different issue, judge andrew napolitano. Thank you for breaking it down on the Breaking News. Another fox news alert, sources telling fox news that President Trumps attorneys are planning to send a letter to the Special Counsel, possibly as soon as tomorrow that will largely rebuff their latest offer for a sitdown interview with the president. The president s legal team objects to the fact that it will still include questions related to Obstruction Of Justice, because they claim that that is outside of the original purview of the russia probe, something that the judge and i have been talking about, there is a lot outside of that, former Deputy Assistant agrees. Watch. You have to have a reason for answering these questions, they have to be relevant to the charge that they have namely to investigate tampering with the 2016 election, this is not an opportunity for him to basically ask the president wideranging questions, anything he wants to know that has to be linked to the investor cory mandate. Harris john roberts obviously on the north lawn. Good afternoon to you, harris, the parks department here, meticulously grooming the lawn, thats why you hear the leaf blower in the background, also watching the president s twitter feed to see if he might weigh in on the latest news about Michael Cohen, though the president has been encouraged to limit his tweets when it comes to talking about legal matters. We do know that the president s attorneys are working out response to the mueller letter of last week outlining the parameters of how he would like an interview with the president to go. We are told by sources led to the Response Letter from the president s legal team will not be forthcoming today so that puts it out tomorrow at the earliest. Sources telling fox news that to the president s legal team deeply concerned about the desire to ask the president questions related to Obstruction Of Justice. In their Proposal Letter which was set a number of weeks ago, one of the questions limited to russia, the election and whether there was collusion with the trump campaign, their contention is that that is what mueller was appointed to investigate, they do not believe that the president should be subject to questions regarding article two of the constitution that spells out president ial powers. Mueller said in addition to asking those questions about russia and the election and possible collusion, he also wants to ask about Obstruction Of Justice. Rudy giuliani telling fox news we have a real reluctance about allowing any questions regarding Obstruction Of Justice. Heres more from tom depree on the subject. Obviously the president is a busy person, if this is information you can get in a different way than you are obligated to try to get it through that source before trying to get it from the president of the United States. This is an argument that the president s legal team has been making, that they believe has not fully demonstrated the need to talk to the president that he is the only person that can give mueller the information that he is looking for, it is unclear at this moment what the president s attorneys are going to go for in the Response Letter, but i was told that one possible scenario that might be acceptable would be an in person interview to talk about russia the election, and possible collusion in any questions about possible obstruction or any questions that would go to the issue of Obstruction Of Justice would be in written form, again, here is depree. The president would like to do things in writing that gives them time to think about their answers to craft the right answer as opposed to a facetoface interaction where as we have seen a lot witnesses do not get it right under the pressure of the moment. Rudy Rudy Giuliani telling fox news that he wants to make this happen, he believes if he can get any room with Robert Mueller he can convince him of his innocence and that there was no collusion, but what the president s attorneys really fear here is that if he starts asking him questions about obstruction and then brings him back in after he gets more information then really could be setting a perjury trap which would be really bad news for the president. Harris thank you very much. Lets bring in james freeman, assistant editor of the editorial page, author of the brandnew book Borrowed Time great to see you. There has been a lot of Breaking News in your paper in the last hour or so, you have to Michael Cohen tax Fraud Investigation going on. But i want to talk specifically about where we are with a sitdown interview and you know, i have been reporting based on what we know that once Robert Mueller would get to the president we might see a quick wrap up, so it is easy to understand why the president might want to sit down. Yes, i think this is part of a negotiation that is been going on for a while, maybe we are thinking that it is not going to wrap up so soon if there is an impasse, the question of Kenny Obstruction Questions be written or do they have to be done in the life interview, and it seemed like he recently had said, okay, some of them can be written, but he won some questioning. And i think the president s lawyers are wise to say make this be about russia, which is what the investigation was supposed to be about. Harris it is understandable that written versus the spoken word, you are going to have attorneys present anyway. And i know the president gets criticized by some for not being economic with his words. I would say probably most. He is very candid when he speaks and tweets, so the question then becomes how did the written deal ever get on the table in the first place, he has to know that that is something that everybody will want to. As long as mueller is saying i will do some written, but others i will question you live, then his team may feel like they have enough to go after the president on on obstruction. As you discussed and im sure that the judge would tell us, mr. Dershowitz has explained on the network why there is a really high bar to getting him known Obstruction Case against the president , he is the one who holds all of the authority under constitution, so there are issu, and if they cannot settle the dispute, we might have a dispute like we saw in the clinton era in terms of Special Counsel fighting over a subpoena. Harris i know that you look at the polling very carefully, you look at the politics of this issue, when i talk with potential voters and those are the people who really counts, because that is who is going to go to the polls for the midterms and in 2020, most people cannot remember originally what this case is about and they hear the word collusion and they say some people think it is not a crime, Rudy Giuliani does not think it is a crime, there are many that say that that particular thing is not a crime, conspiracy would be the crime. But people do not even recall the potential voters where we started with this, but they see criminality, Paul Manafort, rick gates, where are we in terms of this being an issue for the voters . We see a lot of cases, but they do not directly relate to that initial charge. Harris does that help the president . What you are asking, the answer is that it is politically sustainable, i know that the print president says that he wants to talk to mueller, he can say no because it is more than two years since the government began investigating this alleged collusion and we are still not seeing evidence of alleged collusion, and i hear it from republicans and democrats strategists who work on campaigns that this is not what people ask about when they are in swing districts around this country. Harris who is the serving . Democrats today, you are reporting on this, i am also. Some are saying in terms of the issues and resist, resist, it is back like never before, but it does not drive people to the polls, for democrats or republicans. I do not think that the impeached trump idea within the democratic party, im not saying that is all democrats, but i do not think it is a political winner, i think that some people in the Political Party realize that, but as far as if it serves one or the other, mr. Mueller, this is the reason it is problematic. He is almost accountable and can pursue this because any attempt to manage him by the duly elected leadership is now seen as interference. Harris last question as we head up to the midterms and people make their choices, how much do you think people are focused on this issue before or after the midterm . I do not think that they are. Harris there is nothing leading up in post . No, i think that if President Trump wants to make his republican colleagues about the economy they have a pretty strong hand. Harris so i sit down because it will not make much difference . I do not think that his polls will go up if you sit down, but there is a big downside that if he is trapped in some statement that is not correct. Harris your book is called Borrowed Time, and we are kind of on Borrowed Time, but congratulations to you. President trump going all in hoping that his endorsement will push the g. O. P. Candidate across the finish line in ohios special election today. Democrats are hoping for an upset of course with polls showing a tight race for that house seat. Live reports with analysis, stay close. And the Trump Administration renewing sanctions against iran, democrats dont like the move. So will it force iran to change some ways . They say that they wanted to be sincere. Really . They are calling death for america. So, i needed legal advice, and i heard that my cousins wifes sisters husband was a lawyer, so i called him. But he never called me back if your cousins wifes sisters husband isnt a lawyer, Call Legalzoom and well connect you with an attorney. Legalzoom. Where life meets legal. Keep it comin love. If you keep on eating, well keep it comin. All you can eat riblets and tenders at applebees. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Tap one little bumper and up go your rates. What good is your insurance if you get punished for using it . News flash nobodys perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Switch and you could save 782 on home and auto insurance. Call for a free quote today. Liberty mutual insurance. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Can start in the Colon Constipation and diarrhea and may be signs of an imbalance of good bacteria. Only Phillips Colon Health has this unique combination of probiotics. It helps replenish good bacteria. Get fourinone symptom defense. The world is full of different hair. Thats why pantene has the perfect conditioners for everyone. From airlight foam, to nourishing 3 minute miracle, to the moistureinfusing gold series. We give more women great hair days every day. Pantene. Kristin fisher live on the ground in newark, ohio with the latest, turnouts, what does it look like . Turnout is everything, harris, turnout here is high. Back to the president support, both sides agree that the president support is going to have an impact on this race, the question is which side will it help the most . While the president support to rally his base Republican Troy Balderson . Or will it encourage democrats to get out and vote even more against him . Now he believes that he is going to be the beneficiary. Yes, i think his support will help a lot, i think that i have to support of senator rob portman, the support of former Congressman Patty or barry, so i have great people behind me, but president from being there last night was huge. Even some of those states with high profile republicans like john kasich who used to sit in this very seat, they worry that the president support might do more harm than good, this morning i asked Danny Oconnor what he thought, but he declined to directly weigh in. We have been focused on just talking to voters about important issues. You should never count out to folks who have a Grassroots Army that is hungry for change and new leadership in washington. Bottom line as you say, it all hinges on turnout, and that is high, franklin officials were expecting 30 that is huge for a special election, this is a second Polling Place that i have been to today. And honestly, it feels more like a president ial election than a special election. There has been a steady stream of voters all day long, and when i talk to them, they are very wellinformed and very passionate, it just remains to be seen which candidates today are more passionate for. Harris i am taking notes on what you are saying, the beaters are catching me do this, because you hardly ever hear numbers like 30 percent outside of a president ial election. We will talk about it with my next guest, great to see you, thank you, kristen. Matt gorman, the Communications Director for the congressional committee, great to see you. So those are some interesting facts that i was just writing down from kristin fisher, feels more like a president ial election. Who does that benefit and why . I think that it will benefit us, and it shows that President Trumps visit has some good effect, immobilized and energized g. O. P. Voters, we have the belief that troy can go over the finish line, Danny Oconnor is simply dishonest, he disavowed nancy pelosi, recently we saw that he admitted what we artie knew, he voted for her first speaker giving her the opportunity, troy is a record of accomplishment, fighting opioid abuse, Human Trafficking. And a great visit with President Trump over the weekend, and we are expecting the finish. Harris when you hear the president say and there is alliteration in this, troy on tuesday, what effect have you seen on the ground in ohio that you are learning from your troops . There is no doubt that republicans are enthusiastic and ready to vote, from what i have heard the tactic that Danny Oconnor is simply dishonest and cannot be trusted has permeated with the nancy pelosi flipflop being a harbinger of things that have come on that, and they understand that it is Danny Oconnor that could be elected he would be a vote for nancy pelosi, not only first speaker, but singlepayer, abolishing i. C. E. , and bringing us back to the obama years. Harris what has been the Sticking Point for voters against nancy pelosi even within her own party . The president has called her a secret weapon for republicans, but is she also in some regards an albatross of for some democrats . No doubt about it, but according to our polling, every single competitive district in the country, she is the most unpopular politician, that is simply a fact. Harris why is that . People have very few memories of what she did in the 2000s, she passed obamacare, pass the stimulus and others, not eager to see the return of the Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Harris passed it to learn what was admitted to, that was the key phrase that got her into trouble, you mention some of the issues, this is a great curiosity, all are local, but managed to interject some National Scale things into local politics, you mention immigration, the economy, they are playing out although local with National Talking points if you will. Without a doubt, a few things that certainly unite us as a party and many of the races that are competitive, chief among them, as you said, the economy roaring back in, record unemployment, High Economic growth, raising wages, that something we have talked about in ohio and many other special actions across the country and we will talk about in the fall. But we always tell our candidates and our campaigns to focus on the issues that voters care about in the district, so here in ohio that means opioid abuse, that means Human Trafficking in others. And that could be very different from say miami or Northern California or upstate new york. Harris i hear some republicans saying that there were Lessons Learned about the peer message of against obama, a against obama as he went into a second term, now democrats seem to be doing that with President Trump, resist, resist. What a blessing which maybe not tip your hat, but that does not hold water against a booming economy. You are absolutely right, the economy is booming, people want to know how you can help them, they are not focused on the outrage of cable news or twitter, focus on where they can make ends meet or where they can take the end of summer vacation. Looking forward to it at the end of this month. Thats what they care about. I think the agenda of abolishing i. C. E. , bringing back Speaker Nancy Pelosi is not resonating with the American People and will not end the fall. Harris matt gorman with the republican congressional committee, great to have you on the program for the first time. President trump describing the renewed sanctions on iran as the most biting ever, the response from the rogue nation and whether this gets a ran back to the negotiating table. They want us to be sincere. What does that mean . A key lawmaker is next. Tech at safelite autoglass, we really pride ourselves on making it easy for you to get your windshield fixed. With safelite, you can see exactly when well be there. Saving you time for what you love most. Kids whoa kids vo safelite repair, safelite replace sanctions imposed and then they ratchet up to another level. Anybody doing business with iran will not be doing business with the United States. I am asking for world peace, nothing less. Gillian turner, okay, so this president is ready to deal with this in a whole different way. President trump doubling down on his belief that staying tough on the Iranian Regime will prove right in the long run. The main goal of the Snapback Sanctions is to cut off the access to Revenue Streams that they use to fund terrorists, dictators, and militias across the east, but they are equally key clear about the goals they do not want to achieve. Definitely putting maximum pressure on the government, not just the comeback to discuss fixing a deal that is basically not fixable dealing with the nuclear elections aspect. Reaction to the move in washington is breaking down along the partisan line, senior lawmakers from the own party are supportive. I want them to understand that there is a new sheriff in town when it comes to donald trump, over time this will work. Stay tough, President Trump, you are on the right track. Many democrats are slamming the move in a statement nancy pelosi calls the sanctions illinformed and counterproductive and that they make america less secure. Overseas iranian president is responding by accusing the u. S. Of engaging in psychological warfare. We are ready for talks to see how they are going to compensate and bring us back. America owes the iranian nation for several innovations in their country. They should apologize to us and apologize for the past. If they do so, we have always been ready for talks. The eyes of the world now watching to see whether a Trump Meeting will come in the future, a prospect that seems much further away today than it did yesterday. Harris jillian, thank you very much, francis bruning, vice chair of the Foreign Affairs committee joining me now, terrific to see you, thank you for being here. I am a little confused, maybe you can set me straight, nancy pelosi says that what the president is doing, his moves make in the United States less secure, i thought that democrats actually like to sanctions . Yes, i think that she has it a little bit backwards, but president obama and her regime a speaker took a pariah and stuck him in the middle of the world stage and gave him a few billion dollars to finance him around the world, and look what it got us, a revolution in yemen, led by the shiite minority, we need to stop these guys and unfortunately Investor Bolton and his team and President Trump have the resolve to do it. Harris vice chair bruning, this is something that i read it this morning, cannot believe it, but to the word sincere, when iran uses the word sincere, is that code for something with the pastor administration . Did they get something and then they lost it . I think sincere is another destructive type of word that they are very good at using. They take great pride in their ability to disassemble and confuse the west, we need to stay strong and clear that as long as they are going to commit mayhem in the world and abuse their own people, we will make them pay a price. Harris what can we show a country that calls for the death of ours . This sincerity is to say your agreement is shot through the halls and we are not going to stay with the jcpoa as long as it is, if you want to talk about closing the loop holes, if you want to talk about cleaning up your act in the world anyone to talk about reducing the asymmetries of how you treat your people versus the way you run the revolutionary guard and things like that, okay. Harris you know, we talked about this last hour on outnumbered, during the revolution, the United States did not step up and do potentially what it could have done to help the iranian people, Hillary Clinton and others are very much kind of sit on your hands and lets watch it burn basically, and now we are where we are, and these sanctions are the people more than anybody else. Remember that a piece that never works in the Obama Administration trying a lot of that, i happen to be in london for a meeting the time that Green Revolution started. And nobody that it was with Foreign Policy people from around the world to believe that we were silent while those people were being murdered in the streets trying to show that they had differences of opinion with the oppressive regime. Harris i do not say where you do, but i cover a lot. The thing that hit me the most with iran coming back with the word sincere was that they are actually, they have the gall to ask us for something at this point. The whole thing, there is no such thing as a big lie, they love to tell the big lie, they like to go for everything. Sincere, we want to talk to you. What they really want to do is to get more money, and to people across the middle east. Harris before i let you go, what kind of leverage do we have been dealing with the ran now that we did not have a year and a half or two years ago . I think we have allowed, these European Companies who have shown as was said, will show you the group used to hanging with. So quick to do business as they sacrifice every principle, calling for them on the carpet. Thats one good piece of leverage, showing that the iranian people seek freedom and democracy and that there is some asymmetry between what the people want and the government wants. I read an oped about that recently, we need to exploit that and show the over indian people that they get a Good Government like they deserve. Harris that is fascinating from the great state of florida, thank you for being here. Thank you for having me on. Harris wildfire in Northern California has exploded in size. We watch this for a week, now look at it. It has now destroyed an area nearly as large as los angeles. Two fires got together over the weekend. To the largest fire in california state history. We will have a live update. It is frantic there now. Thats not enough, we offer innovative investing tools to prepare you for the future. Looks like you hooked it. And if thats not enough, well help your kid prepare for the future. Dont hook it kid. And if thats still not enough, well help your kids kid prepare for the future. Looks like he hooked it. Well do anything. Takes after his grandad. Seriously anything, to help you invest for the future. Ally. Do it right. To give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you dont. Ill take that. [cheers] 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. New ensure max protein. 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The Mendocino Fire went from being the fourth largest in the history just 24 hours ago to my far the largest ever this morning. It has now scorched more than 450 square miles and as you mention, that is a land area almost the size of los angeles as you know how sprawling that is. Firefighters by the way say that they are still a week away from being able to fully contain ants given the size, the number of homes destroyed is relatively smaller at 75, but that makes it no less devastating for those who have been affected. What can you say . It makes you sick to your stomach. Everything that they have worked for all their life gone in a heartbeat. It is devastating, it is really devastating to see. So many people lost their homes. In Southern California the fire is ripping through parts of the Cleveland National forest in orange county, 4,000 acres, that is just 1 of 16 large fires now gripping the state as we face another day of Triple Digit Temperatures and high fire danger. President trump has weighed in on what seemed to be longer and stronger fire seasons, seeming to dismiss the role of Climate Change and saying in twin tweets California Wildfires are being magnified and made so much worse by the bad environmental laws which arent allowing massive amounts of readily available water to be properly utilized. It is being diverted into the pacific ocean. Must also tree clear to stop fire from spreading. Now the fire responded by saying that this is not about water flow, adding in a statement there is nothing to release. There are no specifics to the tweets have plenty of water to fight the fires, but current rather is causing more severe and destructive fires. While environmental and Climate Change debates will go on, the firefighters really do not care about that, they just want to beat the flames. Harris jonathan hunt, thank you very much. We have been talking about at this hour because it is such a big day in the primary season already. Some of you are voting in five states, two of those seen as the biggest test yet of President Trumps power as a campaigner. What will the results tell us about his influence . The november midterm elections, we will talk it with the power panel next. Call one today. Are you in good hands . Not in this house. cause thats no soso family. Thats your family. Which is why you didnt grab just any cheese. You picked up new kraft expertly paired mozzarella and parmesan for pizzahyeah kraft. Family greatly. You dont see psoriasis. You see clear skin. You see me. But if you saw me before cosentyx. I was covered. It was awful. But i didnt give up. I kept fighting. I got clear skin with cosentyx. 3 years and counting. Clear skin can last. See if cosentyx could make a difference for you. Cosentyx is proven to help people with moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis find clear skin that can last. Dont use if youre allergic to cosentyx. Before starting cosentyx, you should be checked for tuberculosis. 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Who is going to bring more people out to vote in november . And he decided that it was kovach, i do not disagree. He has a candidate who appeals to the base, is strong on immigration, Law And Order issues. Things that will motivate people, to come to the polls. Harris leslie i know that you say that there are some problematic areas for him. I do not agree with you, i think with the twitter for example, varying the kneejerk, and he is loyal to people that are loyal to him. There are some people that take their partys advice when they go no, not a good idea. Im not talking about the voter fraud commission, also talking about the allegations of three individuals who worked on his campaign and associations that he allegedly has had with White Supremacy organizations, organizations that are linked to White Supremacy. And i think i said it earlier. I want kovach to win, because it will be easier for democrats and the general election to get a leg up. Thats what the leftwing media is saying, that is the narrative that is coming out of most democrats mouths that this is very good for democrats, because it will inspire them to turn out. And it is possible, that is totally true. But this is going to be an election about which bases more fired up. I think thats why trump went to ohio, he is out there and will be campaigning for this fellow. And yes, by the way, some of it was about loyalty, but i admire that. It is good to stand by the people who have been particularly loyal to you and he was. Harris i do not want to glaze by what you just said, but it is Hunting Season politically. If you have something anywhere, and i watch for the gymnastics move, listen to it, leslie, that you just did. Were they groups . Were they groups of groups . This gets all field coming to have to have a message and what is a democrat on the ground . What is the pro message . Thats what people are looking at. You have to oppose that economy with a pro message. Yes, people are looking for that, but unfortunately people listen to and read and watch wherever they are getting their information, that headline. If they have a lot of negativity, you remember, if the enthusiasm of the democrats and the disdain for the president will energize people on the left to vote, and the opposite, the love for the president and the support for the president in that faction will get some of those people up. Harris is a love or cash . Tax cuts, jobs . Thats exactly right, what it will come down to is basically the base on both sides and the independence who will be swayed by the economy, trump will go out there and his surrogates and the candidates and say, do you really want to change things . Harris liz, leslie, thank you. We will be right back. Oh oh ozempic® vo people with type 2 diabetes are excited about the potential of onceweekly ozempic®. 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