In the near future, Belarus will be covered by a corruption tsunami.
If the power in Belarus does not change in 2021, the country may drown in a real corruption tsunami, after which it will be very, very difficult to recover.
Aliaksandr Lukashenka came to power in 1994 in the wake of the fight against corruption. He himself did nothing for this, but skillfully used the data of the media and law enforcement agencies to show how bad everything is and that it is urgently necessary to restore order.
Establishing order and fighting corruption was his main concern throughout his 26 years of rule. Many were imprisoned, often without an investigation. When it came to the fight against corruption, all the balances disappeared from the scales of Themis. In reality, these scales rarely even reached Themis, since they were weighed and evaluated at a much earlier stage. And Themis could only play the role of an extra in this performance. And even when the impossible happened, and the court nev
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to conserve the beauty that we have. that s where i come down. i m not a scientist. i don t pretend to be one on tv but it s interesting, going back to judging. in retrospect, we can see who s a pretty good prognosticator and who wasn t such a good prognosticator. let s try this one. this was a 1977. mrs. barack obama s future science czar predicting global warming could lead to the deaths of about 1 billion starving people by 2020. we have about 13 months left, so what happened? there is another recent prediction that i have to get to. al gore, he proclaimed in 2006 in the inconvenient truth film that sea level would rise 20 feet. in the near future. was that just when he stepped into the atlantic? sorry. according to scientists, sea level rose 3 inches between 93
going to rescind the muslim ban but they were going to write a new one to replace it. here s how you know something is seriously wrong here. on february 16, they told the court they were going to rescind the old muslim ban but a new muslim ban was coming. they said it was going to happen right away, it was going to happen in the near future. that was february 16, five days later, the 21, the white house said it was almost ready, it was due out right away, definitely this week. then we got to the end of that week. by the 23rd they were saying it s not ready yet. maybe it will come the following week, which meant this week. then on monday night this weeker with told okay definitely it s going to come out on wednesday. then on tuesday like around midnight no, it s not coming out tomorrow or wednesday. the reason it wasn t going to come out on wednesday is because the president liked his state of
the only worry was that the administration said they were going to rescind the muslim ban but they were going to write a new one to replace it. here s how you know something is seriously wrong here. on february 16, they told the court they were going to rescind the old muslim ban but a new muslim ban was coming. they said it was going to happen right away, it was going to happen in the near future. that was february 16, five days later, the 21, the white house said it was almost ready, it was due out right away, definitely this week. then we got to the end of that week. by the 23rd they were saying it s not ready yet. maybe it will come the following week, which meant this week. then on monday night this weeker with told okay definitely it s going to come out on wednesday. then on tuesday like around midnight no, it s not coming out tomorrow or wednesday. the reason it wasn t going to come out on wednesday is because the president liked his state of the union-ish speech and they didn