the only worry was that the administration said they were going to rescind the muslim ban but they were going to write a new one to replace it. here's how you know something is seriously wrong here. on february 16, they told the court they were going to rescind the old muslim ban but a new muslim ban was coming. they said it was going to happen right away, it was going to happen "in the near future." that was february 16, five days later, the 21, the white house said it was almost ready, it was due out right away, definitely this week. then we got to the end of that week. by the 23rd they were saying it's not ready yet. maybe it will come the following week, which meant this week. then on monday night this weeker with told okay definitely it's going to come out on wednesday. then on tuesday like around midnight no, it's not coming out tomorrow or wednesday. the reason it wasn't going to come out on wednesday is because the president liked his state of the union-ish speech and they didn't want to put out the new muslim ban the following day because they wanted to give the speech room to breathe a little. literally they told us that. remarkable sense of urgency on what's supposed to be an important matter of national security, right? we'll put this off for the day. we like the way the speech is breathing. the respiration of the speech is very satisfying to us.