to conserve the beauty that we have. that's where i come down. i'm not a scientist. i don't pretend to be one on tv but it's interesting, going back to judging. in retrospect, we can see who's a pretty good prognosticator and who wasn't such a good prognosticator. let's try this one. this was a 1977. mrs. barack obama's future science czar predicting global warming could lead to the deaths of about 1 billion starving people by 2020. we have about 13 months left, so what happened? there is another recent prediction that i have to get to. al gore, he proclaimed in 2006 in the "inconvenient truth" film that sea level would rise 20 feet. "in the near future." was that just when he stepped into the atlantic? sorry. according to scientists, sea level rose 3 inches between '93