The list of fugitives on the run from the law in Wisconsin is long, but some of the most recent need to be located the most as their past indicates they could be very dangerous.
It looks like any typical rural Illinois highway, but it's ranked as one of the most feared roadways in America. Why? The truth is that this innocent-looking path through the Land of Lincoln is a death trap waiting to happen and I can prove it with data.
You have the right to know if dangerous people live or work near you. The state of Wisconsin makes the process of finding convicted sex offenders near you simple and easy.
We know for a fact that traffic cameras are used in Missouri because we see them every day in Hannibal. However, are they really legal? The answer is probably more complicated than you might think.
If we're being honest with each other, not many saw this one coming. I am a fan of this underrated Illinois place, but even I was shocked to see it named the hottest housing market in America by major publications.