I'd rather not know what I know after some research into the current state of bed bugs in Illinois. I've learned that there are more than 600 current reports of bed bugs in Illinois motels right now.
You have the right to know if dangerous people live or work near you. The state of Wisconsin makes the process of finding convicted sex offenders near you simple and easy.
Crime never sleeps and the perpetrators behind the scams don't either. Here's more proof of that. Did you know that your caller ID can no longer save you from the newest Illinois scam that is being reported statewide.
The Missouri State Highway Patrol wants you to have a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day Weekend. Ahead of that holiday though, they've issued some warnings and a reminder of the dire situation they faced last year with many unnecessary accidents and fatalities.
You deserve to know if there is someone potentially dangerous living near you. That's one reason why there is a safe way to officially find out if your neighbor in Illinois is a past sex offender.