Federal Judge Stephen P. McGlynn has published an opinion that places a temporary injunction against the enforcement of the Illinois "Protect Illinois Communities Act" (PICA).
Gun control laws might look a little different on a state-to-state basis, though one new analysis suggests there's a stark contrast between both states of the St. Louis Metropolitan area.
A flurry of lawsuits ask the Illinois Supreme Court to follow through on its longstanding threat to stop allowing lawmakers to police themselves in deciding whether they have followed the Illinois state constitution when passing sweeping new laws, like the so-called "assault weapons" ban
By JOHN O'CONNOR AP Political Writer SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) For all the fanfare and the legal rigmarole of Illinois' ban on semiautomatic weapons, it might
For all the fanfare and the legal rigmarole of Illinois ban on semiautomatic weapons, it might come as a surprise to learn the legislation was titled "Insurance Code-Public Adjusters."