(WTYE-FM) The debate over the "Protect Illinois Communities Act" continues. That was State Representative, Adam Niemerg, during yesterday's joint press conference at the Crawford County Courthouse with Sheriffs from Crawford, Jasper, and Lawrence County. Niemerg is among several lead plaintiffs who have filed a new lawsuit challenging the weapons ban. When asked about his and other sheriff's unwillingness to enforce the ban, Crawford County Sheriff, Bill Rutan, said he feels it's the difference between the spirit of the law and letter of the law. Rutan went on to say the weapons ban is a clear violation of the United States Constitution, which he swore to uphold. The new law restricts the purchase and manufacturing of several different types of federally legal firearms, limits magazine capacity, and requires signed affidavits for grandfathered-in firearms.
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A judge in Effingham County, Illinois is the first to weigh on the state’s new ban on “assault weapons” and “large capacity” magazines, and it’s good news for Secon.