Lets Talk Golf now. The 19th SolheIm Cup Is underway In VIrgInIa Usa versus europe. And one thIng people are TalkIng About Is. Charley Hull SmokIng on the course. European CaptaIn Suzann Pettersen shrugged It off when asked About It sayIng charley s old enough to make those decIsIons. Shes been pIctured smokIng at other events before and saId Its a habIt and That It helps her relax on the course. WerejoIned now by mIchael mcewan, Deputy EdItor of Golf MagazIne bunkered. Its not the fIrst tIme Is It That she has done thIs as I saId but It Is stIll quIte surprIsIng Isnt It In a professIonal SportIng CompetItIon . Although That Is another debate for another tIme when people say you can smoke doIng It perhaps Its not a sport but anyway. Very shockIng to see It, actually. Sport but anyway. Very shockIng to see It, actually. Comletel understand. Sport but anyway. Very shockIng to see It, actually. Comletel understand. There sport but anyway. Very shockIng to see It, actually. Comletel unders
Thats the center of jack smiths case. Donald trump is not being prosecuted for lying. Hes being prosecuted for the deliberate and criminal steps he took alongside his six coconspirators to stay in the white house and the quote, unlawful means they pursued to subvert the results in several key states. After the election, in michigan, the indictment noting this, in a private oval office meeting, with the States Senate majority leader, donald trump raised a false claim of an illegitimate vote dump in detroit. The Senate Majority leader told trump that he, quote, had lost michigan, not because of fraud, but because the defendant had underperformed with certain voter populations. Prosecutors then say trump brought his false vote dumping claim to his ag, who told the former president what happened in michigan was, quote, the normal vote Counting Process and that there was no indication of fraud in detroit. The very next day donald trump say this, made a knowingly false statement that in mich
democracy, the kind where you participate. no, your job is to trust the experts and their conclusions and obey them. covid kind of blew that up. if there s one thing that we learned from that dis-sasser is that public policy experts often had no clue what they were talking about. your hippy aunt knew more about how to beat a flu virus than your virologist on cnn. exercise, sunlight, fresh air, stop eating junk food, turn off your computer, spend time with other people. be healthy. that advice worked. the experts by contrast made you get the vaccine and that did not work. so by march of 2021, people are starting to figure this out. anyone who was paying attention in america understood that the experts, many of them were full of it. it was exactly at that moment that the atlantic magazine in washington published a piece pushing back against a growing consensus. that story was called following your gut isn t the right way to go. hard to think of a funnier headline because it s s
which we know the identity of. right, so this is, i think, something that we should acknowledge. we just don t understand precisely why smith made this strategic decision. it is possible that we will see a follow on indictment, the original indictment could be superseded. there could be additional indictments charging these people. the one thing we can t see in my mind is a failure to hold some of these people accountable. for instance, co-conspirator number four is, i think, undoubtedly jeffrey clark. he was the head of the environment and natural resources division at the justice department. and he interacted directly with trump at these pivotal moments and he agreed that he was willing to pervert the purpose of the justice department. that he was willing to reach out to states and lie about the existence of fraud in order to throw the certainty, the conclusion of the election into doubt in the public s eye.
proceeding, to intimidate a witness, a mystery witness that would not yet know the identity of. they do not include one potential charge, the january 6th elect committee recommended when they concluded their year and a half long investigation, sprawling investigation to the former presidents conduct before january 6th, on january 6th, and what happened after. take a listen to members of the january 6th select committee had to say today and what charges potentially missing from that looming indictment. watch. it s hard to imagine a president being involved in more serious misconduct. not so thinly veiled threats of violence or just what donald trump does when, you know, the law catches up with him. what appears to perhaps be missing is the count on aiding and abetting, assisting, giving aiding comfort to insurrection. now, of course, inciting an insurrection is what the house impeached the former president